Commit d3a2f718 authored by Ian Molton's avatar Ian Molton Committed by Samuel Ortiz
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mfd: TMIO MMC structures and accessors.

Signed-off-by: default avatarIan Molton <>
Signed-off-by: default avatarSamuel Ortiz <>
parent 796aadeb
#ifndef MFD_TMIO_H
#define MFD_TMIO_H
#define tmio_ioread8(addr) readb(addr)
#define tmio_ioread16(addr) readw(addr)
#define tmio_ioread16_rep(r, b, l) readsw(r, b, l)
#define tmio_ioread32(addr) \
(((u32) readw((addr))) | (((u32) readw((addr) + 2)) << 16))
#define tmio_iowrite8(val, addr) writeb((val), (addr))
#define tmio_iowrite16(val, addr) writew((val), (addr))
#define tmio_iowrite16_rep(r, b, l) writesw(r, b, l)
#define tmio_iowrite32(val, addr) \
do { \
writew((val), (addr)); \
writew((val) >> 16, (addr) + 2); \
} while (0)
* data for the NAND controller
......@@ -10,8 +25,4 @@ struct tmio_nand_data {
unsigned int num_partitions;
#define TMIO_NAND_CONFIG "tmio-nand-config"
#define TMIO_NAND_CONTROL "tmio-nand-control"
#define TMIO_NAND_IRQ "tmio-nand"
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