Commit fa478062 authored by Evan Lojewski's avatar Evan Lojewski Committed by Raptor Engineering Development Team
Browse files

boot_codes: Use address 0x81 and 0x82 for high/low post codes (off by one).

parent a0102037
......@@ -1839,18 +1839,19 @@ static void host_background_service_task_event_loop(void)
uint8_t post_code = (read_aquila_register(HOSTLPCSLAVE_BASE, AQUILA_LPC_REG_STATUS3) >> AQUILA_LPC_STATUS_ACT_WDATA_SHIFT) &
if (enable_post_code_console_output)
printf("[POST CODE] %d:%d\n", address - 0x80, post_code);
if (address == 0x80)
if (address == 0x81)
post_code_high = post_code;
else if (address == 0x81)
else if (address == 0x82)
post_code_low = post_code;
set_led_bank_display(((post_code_high & 0xf) << 4) | (post_code_low & 0xf));
if (enable_post_code_console_output)
printf("[POST CODE] %d.%d\n", post_code_high, post_code_low);
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