Commit 28ba8b32 authored by Florent Kermarrec's avatar Florent Kermarrec
Browse files

soc/integration/soc_core: revert default mem_map (do specific RocketChip remapping for now)

parent cf369c43
......@@ -167,9 +167,8 @@ class SoCCore(Module):
csr_map = {}
interrupt_map = {}
mem_map = {
# RocketChip reserves the first 256MBytes for internal use
"rom": 0x10000000, # (default shadow @0x90000000)
"sram": 0x20000000, # (default shadow @0xa0000000)
"rom": 0x00000000, # (default shadow @0x80000000)
"sram": 0x10000000, # (default shadow @0x90000000)
"main_ram": 0x40000000, # (default shadow @0xc0000000)
"csr": 0x60000000, # (default shadow @0xe0000000)
......@@ -190,6 +189,16 @@ class SoCCore(Module):
self.platform = platform
self.clk_freq = clk_freq
self.soc_csr_map = {}
self.soc_interrupt_map = {}
self.soc_mem_map = self.mem_map
# FIXME: RocketChip reserves the first 256Mbytes for internal use
# remap rom to 0x10000000, sram to 0x20000000
if cpu_type == "rocket":
self.soc_mem_map["rom"] = 0x10000000
self.soc_mem_map["sram"] = 0x20000000
if cpu_type == "None":
cpu_type = None
self.cpu_type = cpu_type
......@@ -215,7 +224,7 @@ class SoCCore(Module):
self.cpu_variant += "+"+ext
if integrated_rom_size:
cpu_reset_address = self.mem_map["rom"]
cpu_reset_address = self.soc_mem_map["rom"]
self.cpu_reset_address = cpu_reset_address
self.config["CPU_RESET_ADDR"] = self.cpu_reset_address
......@@ -244,9 +253,6 @@ class SoCCore(Module):
self._wb_slaves = []
self._csr_masters = []
self.soc_csr_map = {}
self.soc_interrupt_map = {}
# add user csrs
for _name, _id in self.csr_map.items():
self.add_csr(_name, _id)
......@@ -295,19 +301,19 @@ class SoCCore(Module):
if integrated_sram_size:
self.submodules.sram = wishbone.SRAM(integrated_sram_size, init=integrated_sram_init)
self.register_mem("sram", self.mem_map["sram"], self.sram.bus, integrated_sram_size)
self.register_mem("sram", self.soc_mem_map["sram"], self.sram.bus, integrated_sram_size)
# Note: Main Ram can be used when no external SDRAM is available and use SDRAM mapping.
if integrated_main_ram_size:
self.submodules.main_ram = wishbone.SRAM(integrated_main_ram_size, init=integrated_main_ram_init)
self.register_mem("main_ram", self.mem_map["main_ram"], self.main_ram.bus, integrated_main_ram_size)
self.register_mem("main_ram", self.soc_mem_map["main_ram"], self.main_ram.bus, integrated_main_ram_size)
self.submodules.wishbone2csr = wishbone2csr.WB2CSR(
bus_csr=csr_bus.Interface(csr_data_width, csr_address_width))
self.config["CSR_DATA_WIDTH"] = csr_data_width
self.add_constant("CSR_DATA_WIDTH", csr_data_width)
self.register_mem("csr", self.mem_map["csr"], self.wishbone2csr.wishbone)
self.register_mem("csr", self.soc_mem_map["csr"], self.wishbone2csr.wishbone)
if with_uart:
if uart_stub:
......@@ -434,7 +440,7 @@ class SoCCore(Module):
self.add_memory_region(name, address, size)
def register_rom(self, interface, rom_size=0xa000):
self.add_wb_slave(mem_decoder(self.mem_map["rom"]), interface)
self.add_wb_slave(mem_decoder(self.soc_mem_map["rom"]), interface)
self.add_memory_region("rom", self.cpu_reset_address, rom_size)
def get_memory_regions(self):
......@@ -503,10 +509,10 @@ class SoCCore(Module):
self._csr_masters, self.csrbankarray.get_buses())
for name, csrs, mapaddr, rmap in self.csrbankarray.banks:
self.check_csr_range(name, 0x800*mapaddr)
self.add_csr_region(name, (self.mem_map["csr"] + 0x800*mapaddr) | self.shadow_base, self.csr_data_width, csrs)
self.add_csr_region(name, (self.soc_mem_map["csr"] + 0x800*mapaddr) | self.shadow_base, self.csr_data_width, csrs)
for name, memory, mapaddr, mmap in self.csrbankarray.srams:
self.check_csr_range(name, 0x800*mapaddr)
self.add_csr_region(name + "_" + memory.name_override, (self.mem_map["csr"] + 0x800*mapaddr) | self.shadow_base, self.csr_data_width, memory)
self.add_csr_region(name + "_" + memory.name_override, (self.soc_mem_map["csr"] + 0x800*mapaddr) | self.shadow_base, self.csr_data_width, memory)
for name, constant in self.csrbankarray.constants:
self._constants.append(((name + "_" +, constant.value.value))
for name, value in sorted(self.config.items(), key=itemgetter(0)):
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