1. 13 Jul, 2014 4 commits
  2. 16 Jun, 2014 1 commit
  3. 12 Jun, 2014 3 commits
  4. 04 Jun, 2014 1 commit
  5. 02 Jun, 2014 4 commits
  6. 01 Jun, 2014 7 commits
  7. 30 May, 2014 1 commit
  8. 29 May, 2014 1 commit
  9. 28 May, 2014 1 commit
  10. 27 May, 2014 4 commits
  11. 26 May, 2014 2 commits
  12. 25 May, 2014 1 commit
  13. 18 May, 2014 1 commit
  14. 16 May, 2014 4 commits
  15. 14 May, 2014 1 commit
  16. 10 May, 2014 1 commit
    • Stefan Tauner's avatar
      Refine messages related to erase/write recovery · a58f6e9b
      Stefan Tauner authored
      We are more verbose inside erase_and_write_flash() although it does not
      matter as much as at the end of the whole process in doit().
      New output for the non-fatal (i.e. read-protected + successful recovery read) case:
      Reading old flash chip contents... done.
      Erasing and writing flash chip... spi_block_erase_d8 failed during command execution at address 0x8000
      Reading current flash chip contents... done. spi_chip_erase_c7 failed during command execution
      Uh oh. Erase/write failed. Checking if anything has changed.
      Reading current flash chip contents... done.
      Good, writing to the flash chip apparently didn't do anything.
      Please check the connections (especially those to write protection pins) between
      the programmer and the flash chip. If you think the error is caused by flashrom
      please report this on IRC at chat.freenode.net (channel #flashrom) or
      mail flashrom@flashrom.org, thanks!
      Corresponding to flashrom svn r1790.
      Signed-off-by: default avatarStefan Tauner <stefan.tauner@alumni.tuwien.ac.at>
      Acked-by: default avatarStefan Tauner <stefan.tauner@alumni.tuwien.ac.at>
  17. 09 May, 2014 1 commit
  18. 07 May, 2014 2 commits