1. 16 Feb, 2012 6 commits
  2. 15 Feb, 2012 1 commit
  3. 13 Feb, 2012 1 commit
  4. 12 Feb, 2012 1 commit
  5. 08 Feb, 2012 1 commit
    • Carl-Daniel Hailfinger's avatar
      SPI command black-/ignorelisting for the flash chip emulator in the dummy programmer · 1b83be5c
      Carl-Daniel Hailfinger authored
      flashrom -p dummy:spi_blacklist=commandlist
      flashrom -p dummy:spi_ignorelist=commandlist
      If commandlist is 0302, flashrom will refuse (blacklist) or ignore
      (ignorelist) command 0x03 (READ) and command 0x02 (WRITE). The
      commandlist can be up to 512 bytes (256 commands) long.
      Specifying flash chip emulation is a good idea to get useful results.
      Very useful for testing corner cases if you don't own a locked down
      Intel chipset and want to simulate such a thing.
      Example usage:
      dd if=/dev/zeros bs=1024k count=4 of=dummy_simulator.rom
      dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1024k count=4 of=randomimage.rom
      flashrom -p dummy:emulate=SST25VF032B,image=dummy_simulator.rom,\
      spi_blacklist=20,spi_ignorelist=52 -w randomimage.rom -V
      Corresponding to flashrom svn r1490.
      Signed-off-by: default avatarCarl-Daniel Hailfinger <c-d.hailfinger.devel.2006@gmx.net>
      Acked-by: default avatarDavid Hendricks <dhendrix@google.com>
  6. 07 Feb, 2012 1 commit
  7. 03 Feb, 2012 1 commit
  8. 31 Jan, 2012 1 commit
  9. 19 Jan, 2012 1 commit
  10. 12 Jan, 2012 1 commit
  11. 11 Jan, 2012 1 commit
  12. 04 Jan, 2012 1 commit
  13. 25 Dec, 2011 2 commits
  14. 24 Dec, 2011 1 commit
    • Stefan Tauner's avatar
      Add ich_descriptor_tool to decode all flash descriptors stored in a flash dump file · b3850964
      Stefan Tauner authored
      This patch adds an external utility that shares most of the existing descriptor
      decoding source code. Additionally to what is available via FDOC/FDOD this
      allows to access:
       - the softstraps which are used to configure the chipset by flash content
         without the need for BIOS routines. on ICH8 it is possible to read those
         with FDOC/FDOC too, but this was removed in later chipsets.
       - the ME VSCC (Vendor Specific Component Capabilities) table. simply put,
         this is an SPI chip database used to figure out the flash's capabilities.
       - the MAC address stored in the GbE image.
      Intel thinks this information should be confidential for ICH9 and up, but
      references some tidbits in their public documentation.
      This patch includes the human-readable information for ICH8, Ibex Peak
      (5 series) and Cougar Point (6 series); the latter two were obtained from
      leaked "SPI Flash Programming Guides" found by google. Data regarding ICH9
  15. 22 Dec, 2011 1 commit
  16. 20 Dec, 2011 4 commits
  17. 18 Dec, 2011 1 commit
  18. 14 Dec, 2011 1 commit
    • Carl-Daniel Hailfinger's avatar
      Use struct flashctx instead of struct flashchip for flash chip access · 63fd9026
      Carl-Daniel Hailfinger authored
      Struct flashchip is used only for the flashchips array and for
      operations which do not access hardware, e.g. printing a list of
      supported flash chips.
      struct flashctx (flash context) contains all data available in
      struct flashchip, but it also contains runtime information like
      mapping addresses. struct flashctx is expected to grow additional
      members over time, a prime candidate being programmer info.
      struct flashctx contains all of struct flashchip with identical
      member layout, but struct flashctx has additional members at the end.
      The separation between struct flashchip/flashctx shrinks the memory
      requirement of the big flashchips array and allows future extension
      of flashctx without having to worry about bloat.
      Corresponding to flashrom svn r1473.
      Signed-off-by: default avatarCarl-Daniel Hailfinger <c-d.hailfinger.devel.2006@gmx.net>
      Acked-by: default avatarMichael Karcher <flashrom@mkarcher.dialup.fu-berlin.de>
  19. 08 Dec, 2011 1 commit
  20. 02 Dec, 2011 1 commit
  21. 23 Nov, 2011 1 commit
  22. 19 Nov, 2011 1 commit
  23. 16 Nov, 2011 1 commit
  24. 15 Nov, 2011 1 commit
  25. 14 Nov, 2011 1 commit
  26. 13 Nov, 2011 2 commits
  27. 09 Nov, 2011 1 commit
  28. 08 Nov, 2011 2 commits
  29. 06 Nov, 2011 1 commit
    • Stefan Tauner's avatar
      ichspi: use a variable to distinguish ich generations instead of spi_programmer->type · a8d838d9
      Stefan Tauner authored
      The type member is enough most of the time to derive the wanted
      information, but
       - not always (e.g. ich_set_bbar),
       - only available after registration, which we want to delay till the
         end of init, and
       - we really want to distinguish between chipset version-grained
         attributes which are not reflected by the registered programmer.
      Hence this patch introduces a new static variable which is set up
      early by the init functions and allows us to get rid of all "switch
      (spi_programmer->type)" in ichspi.c. We reuse the enum introduced
      for descriptor mode for the type of the new variable.
      Previously magic numbers were passed by chipset_enable wrappers. Now
      they use the enumeration items too. To get this working the enum
      definition had to be moved to programmer.h.
      Another noteworthy detail: previously we have checked for a valid
      programmer/ich generation all over the place. I have removed those
      checks and added one single...