Commit 5fe1bfe7 authored by William D. Jones's avatar William D. Jones Committed by Sébastien Bourdeauducq
Browse files

build/platforms: Add tinyfpga_a platform. (#111)

parent 307e7522
import bisect
from migen import *
from import *
from import LatticePlatform
_connectors = [
# Pins 1-22
("GPIO", "13 14 16 17 20 21 23 25 26 27 28 4 5 8 9 10 11 12"),
# Default peripherals.
# Only on AX.
led = [
("user_led", 0, Pins("GPIO:0"), IOStandard("LVCMOS33"))
serial = [
("serial", 0,
Subsignal("tx", Pins("GPIO:2")),
Subsignal("rx", Pins("GPIO:3")),
class MachClock(Module):
# Diamond will complain that the frequency of the oscillator doesn't match
# if it doesn't match one of the below frequencies. Since we tend to deal
# with periods in nanoseconds, choose the closest frequency (in MHz)
# within +/-5%. These numbers were extracted from
# "MachXO2 sysCLOCK PLL Design and Usage Guide"
supported_freqs = [
2.08, 2.15, 2.22, 2.29, 2.38, 2.46, 2.56, 2.66, 2.77, 2.89,
3.02, 3.17, 3.33, 3.50, 3.69, 3.91, 4.16, 4.29, 4.43, 4.59,
4.75, 4.93, 5.12, 5.32, 5.54, 5.78, 6.05, 6.33, 6.65, 7.00,
7.39, 7.82, 8.31, 8.58, 8.87, 9.17, 9.50, 9.85, 10.23, 10.64,
11.08, 11.57, 12.09, 12.67, 13.30, 14.00, 14.78, 15.65, 15.65, 16.63,
17.73, 19.00, 20.46, 22.17, 24.18, 26.60, 29.56, 33.25, 38.00, 44.33,
53.20, 66.50, 88.67, 133.00
def __init__(self, period, out):
freq_str = "{:.2f}".format(self.nearest_freq(period))
self.specials += Instance("OSCH",
def nearest_freq(self, period):
target_freq = 1000.0/period
# A None match is defined to not be in range. Handles special cases
# described below.
def in_range(actual, err=0.05):
return abs((target_freq - actual)/target_freq) <= err if actual else False
# Agreed-upon algorithm:
i = bisect.bisect_right(self.supported_freqs, target_freq)
# Special case: desired freq was < 2.08, but could still within +5%
lo_match = self.supported_freqs[i-1] if i else None
# Special case: desired freq was > 133.00, but could still within -5%
hi_match = self.supported_freqs[i] if i < len(self.supported_freqs) else None
if in_range(lo_match):
selected_freq = lo_match
elif in_range(hi_match):
selected_freq = hi_match
raise ValueError("Clock period out of range (-/+5%) for internal oscillator.")
return selected_freq
class OschRouting(Module):
def __init__(self):
self.osch_used = False # Only one default clock,
# even if > 1 OSCH is possible, so run only once.
self.mach_clk_sig = Signal()
def mk_clk(self, name, clk_period):
if not self.osch_used:
self.mach_clk_sig.name_override = name
self.submodules.mclk = MachClock(clk_period, self.mach_clk_sig)
self.osch_used = True
raise ConstraintError
return self.mach_clk_sig
class Platform(LatticePlatform):
default_clk_name = "osch_clk"
default_clk_period = 1000.0/15.6
def __init__(self):
self.osch_clk_period = 1000.0/15.65
self.osch_routing = OschRouting() # Internal oscillator routing.
# Routed during self.do_finalize().
LatticePlatform.__init__(self, "LCMXO2-1200HC-4SG32C", [],
_connectors, toolchain="diamond")
# MachXO2 has an internal clock, which is not exposed as an I/O.
# To get access to it, we handle a request for the clock specially.
def request(self, *args, **kwargs):
sig = GenericPlatform.request(self, *args, **kwargs)
except ConstraintError:
if args[0] == "osch_clk":
# Do not add to self.constraint_manager.matched because we
# don't want this signal to become part of the UCF.
sig = self.osch_routing.mk_clk("osch_clk",
return sig
def do_finalize(self, f, *args, **kwargs):
# Still add clock to period constraints even though it is not a pin.
# The constraint reflects the actual frequency chosen plus 5% as a
# worst case, per MachXO2 oscillator tolerances (+/- 5%, which is
# unrelated to the +/- 5% error in the frequency selection algorithm).
# This approach is specified by Lattice:
# If the higher of the two closest frequencies to desired was chosen,
# the constraint will be up to 10% higher than the desired frequency
# due to the combination of oscillator tolerance and the frequency
# selection algorithm. If the lower closest frequency was chosen, the
# constraint will be up to 5% higher than the desired frequency.
if self.osch_routing.osch_used and hasattr(self, "osch_clk_period"):
adjusted_freq = 1.05 * \
# And lastly, add the oscillator routing so the correct primitive
# is instantiated.
f += self.osch_routing.get_fragment()
# Handle cases where OSCH is either not used or not default.
if self.default_clk_name != "osch_clk":
GenericPlatform.do_finalize(self, f, *args, **kwargs)
def set_osch_period(self, period):
# osch_clk_period is the variable used to set the OSCH period.
# If default_clk_name == "osch_clk", default_clk_period should _also_
# be set to osch_clk_period for consistency with the rest of Migen,
# which may look for a class variable called default_clk_name.
self.osch_clk_period = period
if self.default_clk_name == "osch_clk":
self.default_clk_period = period
def add_internal_clock_constraint(self, clk, period):
# Normally clocks are routed from I/O pins and are thus treated as
# PORTs. However, for internally generated clocks, they need to be
# specified as NETs.
self.add_platform_command("""FREQUENCY NET "{{clk}}" {freq} MHz;""".format(freq=float(1/period)*1000, clk="clk"), clk=clk)
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