Commit 9632c0b7 authored by Tomas Kraus's avatar Tomas Kraus Committed by Lukas Jungmann
Browse files

Update bontinuous and release scripts.

Signed-off-by: default avatarTomas Kraus <>
parent 78eb485f
......@@ -13,6 +13,6 @@
# N/A
echo '-[ Jakarta XML Binding Specification Build ]------------------------------------'
(cd spec && mvn -U -C -Psnapshots,oss-release -Dstatus='DRAFT' clean install deploy)
(cd spec && mvn -U -C -B -Dstatus='DRAFT' clean install)
echo '-[ Jakarta XML Binding API Build ]----------------------------------------------'
mvn -U -C -Psnapshots,oss-release clean install spotbugs:spotbugs deploy
mvn -U -C -B -V -Psnapshots,oss-release clean deploy spotbugs:spotbugs
......@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ drop_artifacts "${API_STAGING_KEY}" "${API_DIR}"
echo '-[ Deploy artifacts to staging repository ]-----------------------------'
# Verify, sign and deploy release
(cd ${API_DIR} && \
mvn -U -C \
mvn -U -C -B -V \
-Poss-release,staging -DskipTests \
-DstagingDescription="${API_STAGING_DESC}" \
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