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Merge pull request #148 from mjagdis/swim-decoder

Decoder for STM8 series MCUs SWIM protocol.
parents da9e26f3 9bff1aa9
## This file is part of the libsigrokdecode project.
## Copyright (C) 2018 Mike Jagdis <mjagdis@eris-associates.co.uk>
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
## Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
SWIM is a single wire interface for STM8 series 8-bit microcontrollers
that allows non-intrusive read/wite access to be performed on-the-fly
to the memory and registers of the MCU for debug and flashing purposes.
See the STMicroelectronics document UM0470 for details.
from .pd import Decoder
## This file is part of the libsigrokdecode project.
## Copyright (C) 2018 Mike Jagdis <mjagdis@eris-associates.co.uk>
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
## Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
import math
import sigrokdecode as srd
class SamplerateError(Exception):
class Decoder(srd.Decoder):
api_version = 2
id = 'swim'
name = 'SWIM'
longname = 'STM8 SWIM bus'
desc = 'STM8 Single Wire Interface Module (SWIM).'
license = 'gplv3+'
inputs = ['logic']
outputs = []
options = (
{'id': 'debug', 'desc': 'Debug', 'default': 'no', 'values': ('yes', 'no') },
channels = (
{'id': 'swim', 'name': 'SWIM', 'desc': 'SWIM data line'},
annotations = (
('108', 'bit', 'Bit'),
('7', 'enterseq', 'SWIM enter sequence'),
('111', 'start-host', 'Start bit (host)'),
('112', 'start-target', 'Start bit (target)'),
('6', 'parity', 'Parity bit'),
('6', 'ack', 'Acknowledgement'),
('0', 'nack', 'Negative acknowledgement'),
('111', 'byte-write', 'Byte write'),
('112', 'byte-read', 'Byte read'),
('0', 'cmd-unknown', 'Unknown SWIM command'),
('11', 'cmd', 'SWIM command'),
('111', 'bytes', 'Byte count'),
('111', 'address', 'Address'),
('111', 'data-write', 'Data write'),
('112', 'data-read', 'Data read'),
('208', 'debug', 'Debug'),
annotation_rows = (
('bits', 'Bits', (0,)),
('framing', 'Framing', (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,)),
('protocol', 'Protocol', (1,9,10,11,12,13,14,)),
('debug', 'Debug', (15,)),
binary = (
('tx', 'Dump of data written to target'),
('rx', 'Dump of data read from target'),
def __init__(self):
# SWIM clock for the target is normally HSI/2 where HSI is 8MHz +- 5% although the
# divisor can be removed by setting the SWIMCLK bit in the CLK_SWIMCCR register.
# There is no standard for the host so we will be generous and assume it is using
# an 8MHz +- 10% oscillator. We do not need to be accurate. We just need to avoid
# treating enter sequence pulses as bits. A synchronization frame will cause this
# to be adjusted.
self.HSI = 8000000
self.HSI_min = self.HSI * 0.9
self.HSI_max = self.HSI * 1.1
self.swim_clock = self.HSI_min / 2
self.eseq_edge = [[-1, None], [-1, None]]
self.eseq_pairnum = 0
self.eseq_pairstart = None
def reset(self):
self.bit_edge = [[-1, None], [-1, None]]
self.bit_maxlen = -1
self.bitseq_len = 0
self.bitseq_end = None
self.proto_state = 'CMD'
def metadata(self, key, value):
if key == srd.SRD_CONF_SAMPLERATE:
self.samplerate = value
def adjust_timings(self):
# A low-speed bit is 22 SWIM clocks long.
# There are options to shorten bits to 10 clocks or use HSI rather than HSI/2 as
# the SWIM clock but the longest valid bit should be no more than this many samples.
# This does not need to be accurate. It exists simply to prevent bits extending
# unecessarily far into trailing bus-idle periods. This will be adjusted every
# time we see a synchronization frame or start bit in order to show idle periods
# as accurately as possible.
self.bit_reflen = math.ceil(self.samplerate * 22 / self.swim_clock)
def start(self):
self.out_ann = self.register(srd.OUTPUT_ANN)
self.out_binary = self.register(srd.OUTPUT_BINARY)
if not self.samplerate:
raise SamplerateError('Cannot decode without samplerate.')
# A synchronization frame is a low that lasts for more than 64 but no more than
# 128 SWIM clock periods based on the standard SWIM clock.
# Note: we also allow for the possibility that the SWIM clock divisor has been
# disabled here.
self.sync_reflen_min = math.floor(self.samplerate * 64 / self.HSI_max)
self.sync_reflen_max = math.ceil(self.samplerate * 128 / (self.HSI_min / 2))
if self.options['debug'] == 'yes':
self.debug = True
self.debug = False
# The SWIM entry sequence is four pulses at 2kHz followed by four at 1kHz.
self.eseq_reflen = math.ceil(self.samplerate / 2048)
def protocol(self):
if self.proto_state == 'CMD':
# Command
if self.bitseq_value == 0x00:
self.put(self.bitseq_start, self.bitseq_end, self.out_ann, [ 10, [ 'system reset', 'SRST', '!' ]])
elif self.bitseq_value == 0x01:
self.proto_state = 'N'
self.put(self.bitseq_start, self.bitseq_end, self.out_ann, [ 10, [ 'read on-the-fly', 'ROTF', 'r' ]])
elif self.bitseq_value == 0x02:
self.proto_state = 'N'
self.put(self.bitseq_start, self.bitseq_end, self.out_ann, [ 10, [ 'write on-the-fly', 'WOTF', 'w' ]])
self.put(self.bitseq_start, self.bitseq_end, self.out_ann, [ 9, [ 'unknown', 'UNK' ]])
elif self.proto_state == 'N':
# Number of bytes
self.proto_byte_count = self.bitseq_value
self.proto_state = '@E'
self.put(self.bitseq_start, self.bitseq_end, self.out_ann, [ 11, [ 'byte count 0x%02x' % self.bitseq_value, 'bytes 0x%02x' % self.bitseq_value, '0x%02x' % self.bitseq_value, '%02x' % self.bitseq_value, '%x' % self.bitseq_value ]])
elif self.proto_state == '@E':
# Address byte 1
self.proto_addr = self.bitseq_value
self.proto_addr_start = self.bitseq_start
self.proto_state = '@H'
elif self.proto_state == '@H':
# Address byte 2
self.proto_addr = (self.proto_addr << 8) | self.bitseq_value
self.proto_state = '@L'
elif self.proto_state == '@L':
# Address byte 3
self.proto_addr = (self.proto_addr << 8) | self.bitseq_value
self.proto_state = 'D'
self.put(self.proto_addr_start, self.bitseq_end, self.out_ann, [ 12, [ 'address 0x%06x' % self.proto_addr, 'addr 0x%06x' % self.proto_addr, '0x%06x' % self.proto_addr, '%06x' %self.proto_addr, '%x' % self.proto_addr ]])
if self.proto_byte_count > 0:
self.proto_byte_count -= 1
if self.proto_byte_count == 0:
self.proto_state = 'CMD'
self.put(self.bitseq_start, self.bitseq_end, self.out_ann, [ 13 + self.bitseq_dir, [ '0x%02x' % self.bitseq_value, '%02x' % self.bitseq_value, '%x' % self.bitseq_value ]])
self.put(self.bitseq_start, self.bitseq_end, self.out_binary, [ 0 + self.bitseq_dir, bytes([self.bitseq_value]) ])
if self.debug:
self.put(self.bitseq_start, self.bitseq_end, self.out_ann, [ 15, [ '%d more' % self.proto_byte_count, '%d' % self.proto_byte_count ]])
def bitseq(self, bitstart, bitend, bit):
if self.bitseq_len == 0:
# Looking for start of a bit sequence (command or byte).
self.bit_reflen = bitend - bitstart
self.bitseq_value = 0
self.bitseq_dir = bit
self.bitseq_len = 1
self.put(bitstart, bitend, self.out_ann, [ 2 + self.bitseq_dir, [ 'start', 's' ]])
elif (self.proto_state == 'CMD' and self.bitseq_len == 4) or (self.proto_state != 'CMD' and self.bitseq_len == 9):
# Parity bit
self.bitseq_end = bitstart
self.bitseq_len += 1
self.put(bitstart, bitend, self.out_ann, [ 4, [ 'parity', 'par', 'p' ]])
# The start bit is not data but was used for parity calculation.
self.bitseq_value &= 0xff
self.put(self.bitseq_start, self.bitseq_end, self.out_ann, [ 7 + self.bitseq_dir, [ '0x%02x' % self.bitseq_value, '%02x' % self.bitseq_value, '%x' % self.bitseq_value ]])
elif (self.proto_state == 'CMD' and self.bitseq_len == 5) or (self.proto_state != 'CMD' and self.bitseq_len == 10):
# ACK/NACK bit.
if bit:
self.put(bitstart, bitend, self.out_ann, [ 5, [ 'ack', 'a' ]])
self.put(bitstart, bitend, self.out_ann, [ 6, [ 'nack', 'n' ]])
# We only pass data that was ack'd up the stack.
if bit:
self.bitseq_len = 0
if self.bitseq_len == 1:
self.bitseq_start = bitstart
self.bitseq_value = (self.bitseq_value << 1) | bit
self.bitseq_len += 1
def bit(self, start, mid, end):
if mid - start >= end - mid:
self.put(start, end, self.out_ann, [ 0, [ '0' ]])
bit = 0
self.put(start, end, self.out_ann, [ 0, [ '1' ]])
bit = 1
self.bitseq(start, end, bit)
def detect_synchronize_frame(self, start, end):
# Strictly speaking, synchronization frames are only recognised when SWIM is
# active. A falling edge on reset disables SWIM and an enter sequence is needed
# to re-enable it. However we do not want to be reliant on seeing the NRST pin
# just for that and we also want to be able to decode SWIM even if we just sample
# parts of the dialogue. For this reason we limit ourselves to only recognizing
# synchronization frames that have believable lengths based on our knowledge
# of the range of possible SWIM clocks.
if self.samplenum - self.eseq_edge[1][1] >= self.sync_reflen_min and self.samplenum - self.eseq_edge[1][1] <= self.sync_reflen_max:
self.put(self.eseq_edge[1][1], self.samplenum, self.out_ann, [ 1, [ 'synchronization frame', 'synchronization', 'sync', 's', ]])
# A low that lasts for more than 64 SWIM clock periods causes a reset of the SWIM
# communication state machine and will switch the SWIM to low-speed mode (SWIM_CSR.HS
# is cleared)
# The low SHOULD last 128 SWIM clocks. This is used to resynchronize in order to
# allow for variation in the frequency of the internal RC oscillator.
self.swim_clock = 128 * (self.samplerate / (self.samplenum - self.eseq_edge[1][1]))
def eseq_potential_start(self, start, end):
self.eseq_pairstart = start
self.eseq_reflen = end - start
self.eseq_pairnum = 1
def detect_enter_sequence(self, start, end):
# According to the spec the enter sequence is four pulses at 2kHz followed by
# four at 1kHz. We do not check the frequency but simply check the lengths
# of successive pulses against the first. This means we have no need to account
# for the accuracy (or lack of) of the host's oscillator.
if self.eseq_pairnum == 0 or abs(self.eseq_reflen - (end - start)) > 2:
self.eseq_potential_start(start, end)
elif self.eseq_pairnum < 4:
# The next three pulses should be the same length as the first.
self.eseq_pairnum += 1
if self.eseq_pairnum == 4:
self.eseq_reflen /= 2
# The final four pulses should each be half the length of the initial
# pair. Again, a mismatch causes us to reset and use the current pulse
# as a new potential enter sequence start.
self.eseq_pairnum += 1
if self.eseq_pairnum == 8:
# Four matching pulses followed by four more that match each other
# but are half the length of the first four. SWIM is active!
self.put(self.eseq_pairstart, end, self.out_ann, [ 1, [ 'enter sequence', 'enter seq', 'enter', 'ent', 'e' ]])
self.eseq_pairnum = 0
def decode(self, ss, es, data):
for (self.samplenum, pins) in data:
(swim,) = pins
if self.bit_maxlen >= 0:
self.bit_maxlen -= 1
if swim != self.eseq_edge[1][0]:
if swim == 1 and self.eseq_edge[1][1] is not None:
self.detect_synchronize_frame(self.eseq_edge[1][1], self.samplenum)
if self.eseq_edge[0][1] is not None:
self.detect_enter_sequence(self.eseq_edge[0][1], self.samplenum)
self.eseq_edge.append([swim, self.samplenum])
if (swim != self.bit_edge[1][0] and (swim != 1 or self.bit_edge[1][0] != -1)) or self.bit_maxlen == 0:
if self.bit_maxlen == 0 and self.bit_edge[1][0] == 1:
swim = -1
if self.bit_edge[1][0] != 0 and swim == 0:
self.bit_maxlen = self.bit_reflen
if self.bit_edge[0][0] == 0 and self.bit_edge[1][0] == 1 and self.samplenum - self.bit_edge[0][1] <= self.bit_reflen + 2:
self.bit(self.bit_edge[0][1], self.bit_edge[1][1], self.samplenum)
self.bit_edge.append([swim, self.samplenum])
if self.bit_maxlen >= 0:
data.logic_mask = 0
data.edge_index = 0
data.itercnt += 1
data.exp_logic = 0b1
data.logic_mask = 0b1
data.edge_index = -1
data.cur_pos = self.samplenum
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