Commit 91938e44 authored by DreamSourceLab's avatar DreamSourceLab
Browse files

fix compile warning

parent aec079cb
......@@ -3,4 +3,6 @@ rm ./cmake_install.cmake
rm -r ./CMakeFiles
rm ./Makefile
rm ./CMakeCache.txt
find . -name 'moc_*.cpp*' | xargs rm -rf
find . -name 'qrc_*.cpp' | xargs rm -rf
echo "rm cmake cache end..."
......@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ private:
QString _error_message;
std::auto_ptr<boost::thread> _decode_thread;
std::unique_ptr<boost::thread> _decode_thread;
decode_state _decode_state;
bool _options_changed;
......@@ -192,9 +192,7 @@ void LogicSnapshot::get_subsampled_edges(
float min_length, int sig_index)
uint64_t index = start;
unsigned int level;
bool last_sample;
bool fast_forward;
assert(end <= get_sample_count());
assert(start <= end);
......@@ -447,9 +445,9 @@ bool LogicSnapshot::get_pre_edge(
// If resolution is less than a mip map block,
// round up to the beginning of the mip-map block
// for this level of detail
const int min_level_scale_power =
const unsigned int min_level_scale_power =
(level + 1) * MipMapScalePower;
if (index < (1 << min_level_scale_power))
if (index < (uint64_t)(1 << min_level_scale_power))
index = 0;
index = pow2_ceil(index, min_level_scale_power) - (1 << min_level_scale_power) - 1;
......@@ -539,16 +537,13 @@ bool LogicSnapshot::get_pre_edge(
// do a linear search for the next transition within the
// block
if (min_length < MipMapScaleFactor) {
for (; index >= 0; index--) {
for (; index > 0; index--) {
const bool sample = (get_sample(index) &
sig_mask) != 0;
if (sample != last_sample) {
return true;
if (index == 0)
return false;
......@@ -632,7 +632,6 @@ bool MainWindow::load_session(QString name)
bool isEnabled = false;
foreach (const QJsonValue &value, sessionObj["channel"].toArray()) {
QJsonObject obj = value.toObject();
qDebug("obj.index = %d", obj["index"].toDouble());
if ((probe->index == obj["index"].toDouble()) &&
(probe->type == obj["type"].toDouble())) {
isEnabled = true;
......@@ -32,20 +32,20 @@
using boost::optional;
using namespace std;
#define INT8_MIN (-0x7f - 1)
#define INT16_MIN (-0x7fff - 1)
#define INT32_MIN (-0x7fffffff - 1)
#define INT64_MIN (-0x7fffffffffffffff - 1)
#define INT8_MAX 0x7f
#define INT16_MAX 0x7fff
#define INT32_MAX 0x7fffffff
#define INT64_MAX 0x7fffffffffffffff
#define UINT8_MAX 0xff
#define UINT16_MAX 0xffff
#define UINT32_MAX 0xffffffff
#define UINT64_MAX 0xffffffffffffffff
//#define INT8_MIN (-0x7f - 1)
//#define INT16_MIN (-0x7fff - 1)
//#define INT32_MIN (-0x7fffffff - 1)
//#define INT64_MIN (-0x7fffffffffffffff - 1)
//#define INT8_MAX 0x7f
//#define INT16_MAX 0x7fff
//#define INT32_MAX 0x7fffffff
//#define INT64_MAX 0x7fffffffffffffff
//#define UINT8_MAX 0xff
//#define UINT16_MAX 0xffff
//#define UINT32_MAX 0xffffffff
//#define UINT64_MAX 0xffffffffffffffff
namespace pv {
namespace prop {
......@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ QList<QString> SigSession::getSuportedExportFormats(){
return list;
......@@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ void SigSession::export_file(const QString name, QWidget* parent, const QString
outModule = *supportedModules;
if(outModule == NULL)
......@@ -283,8 +283,8 @@ void SigSession::export_file(const QString name, QWidget* parent, const QString
unsigned char* datat = (unsigned char*)snapshot->get_data();
unsigned int numsamples = snapshot->get_sample_count()*snapshot->unit_size();
GString *data_out;
int usize = 8192;
int size = usize;
unsigned int usize = 8192;
unsigned int size = usize;
struct sr_datafeed_logic lp;
struct sr_datafeed_packet p;
for(uint64_t i = 0; i < numsamples; i+=usize){
......@@ -311,8 +311,8 @@ void SigSession::export_file(const QString name, QWidget* parent, const QString
unsigned char* datat = (unsigned char*)snapshot->get_data();
unsigned int numsamples = snapshot->get_sample_count();
GString *data_out;
int usize = 8192;
int size = usize;
unsigned int usize = 8192;
unsigned int size = usize;
struct sr_datafeed_dso dp;
struct sr_datafeed_packet p;
for(uint64_t i = 0; i < numsamples; i+=usize){
......@@ -251,10 +251,10 @@ private:
boost::shared_ptr<data::GroupSnapshot> _cur_group_snapshot;
int _group_cnt;
std::auto_ptr<boost::thread> _sampling_thread;
std::unique_ptr<boost::thread> _sampling_thread;
libusb_hotplug_callback_handle _hotplug_handle;
std::auto_ptr<boost::thread> _hotplug;
std::unique_ptr<boost::thread> _hotplug;
bool _hot_attach;
bool _hot_detach;
......@@ -151,6 +151,7 @@ void Cursor::paint_fix_label(QPainter &p, const QRect &rect,
void Cursor::compute_text_size(QPainter &p, unsigned int prefix)
_text_size = p.boundingRect(QRectF(), 0,
Ruler::format_real_time(_index, _view.session().get_device()->get_sample_rate())).size();
......@@ -72,7 +72,6 @@ LogicSignal::LogicSignal(boost::shared_ptr<pv::device::DevInst> dev_inst,
Signal(dev_inst, probe, SR_CHANNEL_LOGIC),
assert(probe->index >= 0);
_colour = SignalColours[probe->index % countof(SignalColours)];
......@@ -82,7 +81,6 @@ LogicSignal::LogicSignal(const Signal &s,
Signal(s, probe),
assert(probe->index >= 0);
......@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ const QPen Trace::SignalAxisPen = QColor(128, 128, 128, 64);
const QPen Trace::AxisPen(QColor(128, 128, 128, 64));
const int Trace::LabelHitPadding = 2;
Trace::Trace(QString name, int index, int type) :
Trace::Trace(QString name, uint16_t index, int type) :
......@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ public:
static const QPen SignalAxisPen;
Trace(QString name, int index, int type);
Trace(QString name, uint16_t index, int type);
Trace(QString name, std::list<int> index_list, int type, int sec_index);
......@@ -444,7 +444,7 @@ void Viewport::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
_dso_xm_index[i-1] = min(_dso_xm_index[i-1], _dso_xm_index[i]);
_dso_xm_index[i] = max_index;
_dso_xm_stage = (++_dso_xm_stage) % (DsoMeasureStages + 1);
_dso_xm_stage = (_dso_xm_stage + 1) % (DsoMeasureStages + 1);
......@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
/** @private */
SR_PRIV struct sr_channel *sr_channel_new(int index, int type,
SR_PRIV struct sr_channel *sr_channel_new(uint16_t index, int type,
gboolean enabled, const char *name)
struct sr_channel *probe;
......@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ SR_API int sr_dev_probe_enable(const struct sr_dev_inst *sdi, int probenum,
* @since 0.1.0 (but the API changed in 0.2.0)
SR_API int sr_dev_trigger_set(const struct sr_dev_inst *sdi, int probenum,
SR_API int sr_dev_trigger_set(const struct sr_dev_inst *sdi, uint16_t probenum,
const char *trigger)
GSList *l;
......@@ -606,7 +606,7 @@ static int init(struct sr_context *sr_ctx)
static int set_probes(struct sr_dev_inst *sdi, int num_probes)
int j;
uint16_t j;
struct sr_channel *probe;
for (j = 0; j < num_probes; j++) {
......@@ -627,7 +627,7 @@ static int set_probes(struct sr_dev_inst *sdi, int num_probes)
static int adjust_probes(struct sr_dev_inst *sdi, int num_probes)
int j;
uint16_t j;
GSList *l;
struct sr_channel *probe;
GSList *p;
......@@ -676,7 +676,7 @@ static int init(struct sr_context *sr_ctx)
static int set_probes(struct sr_dev_inst *sdi, int num_probes)
int j;
uint16_t j;
struct sr_channel *probe;
for (j = 0; j < num_probes; j++) {
......@@ -696,7 +696,7 @@ static int set_probes(struct sr_dev_inst *sdi, int num_probes)
static int adjust_probes(struct sr_dev_inst *sdi, int num_probes)
int j;
uint16_t j;
GSList *l;
struct sr_channel *probe;
GSList *p;
......@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ static GSList *hw_scan(GSList *options)
struct drv_context *drvc;
struct dev_context *devc;
GSList *devices;
int i;
uint16_t i;
......@@ -396,7 +396,8 @@ static int config_set(int id, GVariant *data, struct sr_dev_inst *sdi,
struct sr_channel *ch,
const struct sr_channel_group *cg)
int i, ret;
uint16_t i;
int ret;
const char *stropt;
struct sr_channel *probe;
......@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ static int format_match(const char *filename)
static int init(struct sr_input *in, const char *filename)
struct sr_channel *probe;
int num_probes, i;
uint16_t num_probes, i;
char name[SR_MAX_PROBENAME_LEN + 1];
char *param;
struct context *ctx;
......@@ -319,7 +319,7 @@ static int format_match(const char *filename)
static int init(struct sr_input *in, const char *filename)
struct sr_channel *probe;
int num_probes, i;
uint16_t num_probes, i;
char name[SR_MAX_PROBENAME_LEN + 1];
char *param;
struct context *ctx;
......@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ SR_PRIV int sr_err(const char *format, ...);
/*--- device.c --------------------------------------------------------------*/
SR_PRIV struct sr_channel *sr_channel_new(int index, int type,
SR_PRIV struct sr_channel *sr_channel_new(uint16_t index, int type,
gboolean enabled, const char *name);
SR_PRIV void sr_dev_probes_free(struct sr_dev_inst *sdi);
......@@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ enum {
struct sr_channel {
/* The index field will go: use g_slist_length(sdi->channels) instead. */
int index;
uint16_t index;
int type;
gboolean enabled;
char *name;
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