Commit e4a06f09 authored by Stewart Smith's avatar Stewart Smith
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opal-ci: drop fedora 28

We're getting close to Fedora 30, and keeping N-1 fedora around for too
long doesn't really add much.
Signed-off-by: default avatarStewart Smith <>
parent 6c36257b
......@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ env:
- RUN_ON_CONTAINER=ubuntu-18.04
- RUN_ON_CONTAINER=ubuntu-latest
- RUN_ON_CONTAINER=fedora-rawhide
- RUN_ON_CONTAINER=debian-stretch
FROM fedora:28
RUN dnf -y install wget curl xterm gcc git xz make diffutils findutils expect valgrind valgrind-devel ccache dtc openssl-devel
RUN dnf -y install gcc-powerpc64-linux-gnu
# below packages are for building dtc
RUN dnf -y install flex bison
RUN if [ `arch` = "x86_64" ]; then dnf -y install; fi
COPY . /build/
WORKDIR /build
set -uo pipefail
set -e
set -vx
MAKE_J=$(grep -c processor /proc/cpuinfo)
export CROSS="ccache powerpc64-linux-gnu-"
# There's a bug in dtc v1.4.7 packaged on fedora 28 that makes our device tree
# tests fail, so for the moment, build a slightly older DTC
git clone --depth=1 -b v1.4.4
(cd dtc; make -j${MAKE_J})
export PATH=`pwd`/dtc:$PATH
make -j${MAKE_J} all
make -j${MAKE_J} check
(make clean; cd external/gard && CROSS= make -j${MAKE_J})
(cd external/pflash; make -j${MAKE_J})
# GCOV build disabled for GCC 8.2
#make clean
#SKIBOOT_GCOV=1 make -j${MAKE_J}
#SKIBOOT_GCOV=1 make -j${MAKE_J} check
make clean
rm -rf builddir
mkdir builddir
make SRC=$(pwd) -f ../Makefile -C builddir -j${MAKE_J}
make clean
\ No newline at end of file
set -uo pipefail
set -e
set -vx
MAKE_J=$(grep -c processor /proc/cpuinfo)
export CROSS="ccache powerpc64-linux-gnu-"
# There's a bug in dtc v1.4.7 packaged on fedora 28 that makes our device tree
# tests fail, so for the moment, build a slightly older DTC
git clone --depth=1 -b v1.4.4
(cd dtc; make -j${MAKE_J})
export PATH=`pwd`/dtc:$PATH
make -j${MAKE_J} all
make -j${MAKE_J} check
(make clean; cd external/gard && CROSS= make -j${MAKE_J})
(cd external/pflash; make -j${MAKE_J})
# GCOV build disabled for GCC 8.2
#make clean
#SKIBOOT_GCOV=1 make -j${MAKE_J}
#SKIBOOT_GCOV=1 make -j${MAKE_J} check
make clean
rm -rf builddir
mkdir builddir
make SRC=$(pwd) -f ../Makefile -C builddir -j${MAKE_J}
make clean
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