Commit 5a4447e5 authored by Oliver O'Halloran's avatar Oliver O'Halloran
Browse files

ci: Remove lcov workaround for Fedora

The bug being worked around here was fixed ages ago in F29 and F30.
There's no need to continue using the testing version of lcov so
go back to using the production version.
Signed-off-by: default avatarOliver O'Halloran <>
parent 95f23aa2
FROM fedora:32
RUN dnf -y update
RUN dnf -y install --allowerasing wget curl xterm gcc git xz make diffutils findutils expect valgrind valgrind-devel ccache dtc openssl-devel gcc-powerpc64-linux-gnu
# for building documentation
RUN dnf -y install python-pip
# for GCOV coverage reports (need testing due to )
RUN dnf -y install lcov --enablerepo=updates-testing
# for building documentation and the coverage report
RUN dnf -y install python-pip lcov
# below packages are for building dtc
RUN dnf -y install flex bison
RUN if [ `arch` = "x86_64" ]; then dnf -y install; fi
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