Commit e3dad011 authored by Ronald G. Minnich's avatar Ronald G. Minnich
Browse files

Now we support 8111 and these parts

Corresponding to flashrom svn r3 and coreboot v2 svn r1375.
parent 84cfad0c
......@@ -37,6 +37,9 @@ struct flashchip {
#define SST_39SF020 0xB6 /* SST 39SF020 device */
#define SST_39VF020 0xD6 /* SST 39SF020 device */
#define PMC_ID 0x9D /* PMC Manufacturer ID[B code */
#define PMC_49FL004 0x6E /* PMC 49FL004 device code */
#define WINBOND_ID 0xDA /* Winbond Manufacture ID code */
#define W_29C011 0xC1 /* Winbond w29c011 device code*/
#define W_29C020C 0x45 /* Winbond w29c020c device code*/
......@@ -46,10 +46,12 @@
#include "sst28sf040.h"
#include "w49f002u.h"
#include "sst39sf020.h"
#include "pm49fl004.h"
#include "mx29f002.h"
struct flashchip flashchips[] = {
{"Am29F040B", AMD_ID, AM_29F040B, NULL, 512, 64*1024,
#if 1
{"Am29F040B", AMD_ID, AM_29F040B, NULL, 512, 64*1024,
probe_29f040b, erase_29f040b, write_29f040b, NULL},
{"At29C040A", ATMEL_ID, AT_29C040A, NULL, 512, 256,
probe_jedec, erase_jedec, write_jedec, NULL},
......@@ -63,6 +65,12 @@ struct flashchip flashchips[] = {
probe_39sf020, erase_39sf020, write_39sf020, NULL},
{"SST39VF020", SST_ID, SST_39VF020, NULL, 256, 4096,
probe_39sf020, erase_39sf020, write_39sf020, NULL},
//By LYH begin
{"Pm49FL004", PMC_ID, PMC_49FL004, NULL, 512, 64*1024,
probe_49fl004, erase_49fl004, write_49fl004, NULL},
#if 1
{"W29C011", WINBOND_ID, W_29C011, NULL, 128, 128,
probe_jedec, erase_jedec, write_jedec, NULL},
{"W29C020C", WINBOND_ID, W_29C020C, NULL, 256, 128,
......@@ -80,10 +88,11 @@ struct flashchip flashchips[] = {
NULL, 8, 8*1024,
probe_md2802, erase_md2802, write_md2802, read_md2802},
char *chip_to_probe = NULL;
#if 1
int enable_flash_sis630 (struct pci_dev *dev, char *name)
char b;
......@@ -271,6 +280,71 @@ enable_flash_sis5595(struct pci_dev *dev, char *name) {
return 0;
#if 0
static void dump_pci_device(struct pci_dev *dev)
int i;
for(i = 0; i <= 255; i++) {
unsigned char val;
if ((i & 0x0f) == 0) {
val = pci_read_byte(dev, i);
printf(" 0x%02x",val);
if ((i & 0x0f) == 0x0f) {
enable_flash_amd8111(struct pci_dev *dev, char *name) {
/* register 4e.b gets or'ed with one */
unsigned char old, new;
/* if it fails, it fails. There are so many variations of broken mobos
* that it is hard to argue that we should quit at this point.
// dump_pci_device(dev);
old = pci_read_byte(dev, 0x43);
new = old | 0x80;
if (new != old) {
pci_write_byte(dev, 0x43, new);
if (pci_read_byte(dev, 0x43) != new) {
printf("tried to set 0x%x to 0x%x on %s failed (WARNING ONLY)\n",
0x43, new, name);
old = pci_read_byte(dev, 0x40);
new = old | 0x01;
if (new == old)
return 0;
pci_write_byte(dev, 0x40, new);
if (pci_read_byte(dev, 0x40) != new) {
printf("tried to set 0x%x to 0x%x on %s failed (WARNING ONLY)\n",
0x40, new, name);
return -1;
return 0;
struct flashchip * probe_flash(struct flashchip * flash)
......@@ -299,7 +373,7 @@ struct flashchip * probe_flash(struct flashchip * flash)
flash->total_size * 1024, (unsigned long)size);
bios = mmap (0, size, PROT_WRITE | PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED,
fd_mem, (off_t) (0 - size));
fd_mem, (off_t) (0-size));
if (bios == MAP_FAILED) {
perror("Error MMAP /dev/mem");
......@@ -393,7 +467,7 @@ typedef struct penable {
FLASH_ENABLE enables[] = {
#if 1
{0x1, 0x1, "sis630 -- what's the ID?", enable_flash_sis630},
{0x8086, 0x2480, "E7500", enable_flash_e7500},
{0x1106, 0x8231, "VT8231", enable_flash_vt8231},
......@@ -401,6 +475,8 @@ FLASH_ENABLE enables[] = {
{0x1078, 0x0100, "CS5530", enable_flash_cs5530},
{0x100b, 0x0510, "SC1100", enable_flash_sc1100},
{0x1039, 0x8, "SIS5595", enable_flash_sis5595},
{0x1022, 0x7468, "AMD8111", enable_flash_amd8111},
* pm49fl004.c: driver for Pm49FL004 flash models.
* Copyright 2004 Tyan Corporation
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#include <stdio.h>
#include "flash.h"
#include "jedec.h"
#include "pm49fl004.h"
#define AUTO_PGRM 0x10
#define CHIP_ERASE 0x30
#define RESET 0xFF
#define READ_ID 0x90
static __inline__ void protect_49fl004 (volatile char * bios)
/* ask compiler not to optimize this */
volatile unsigned char tmp;
tmp = *(volatile unsigned char *) (bios + 0x1823);
tmp = *(volatile unsigned char *) (bios + 0x1820);
tmp = *(volatile unsigned char *) (bios + 0x1822);
tmp = *(volatile unsigned char *) (bios + 0x0418);
tmp = *(volatile unsigned char *) (bios + 0x041B);
tmp = *(volatile unsigned char *) (bios + 0x0419);
tmp = *(volatile unsigned char *) (bios + 0x040A);
static __inline__ void unprotect_49fl004 (volatile char * bios)
/* ask compiler not to optimize this */
volatile unsigned char tmp;
tmp = *(volatile unsigned char *) (bios + 0x1823);
tmp = *(volatile unsigned char *) (bios + 0x1820);
tmp = *(volatile unsigned char *) (bios + 0x1822);
tmp = *(volatile unsigned char *) (bios + 0x0418);
tmp = *(volatile unsigned char *) (bios + 0x041B);
tmp = *(volatile unsigned char *) (bios + 0x0419);
tmp = *(volatile unsigned char *) (bios + 0x041A);
static __inline__ int erase_block_49fl004 ( volatile unsigned char * bios ,unsigned long address)
volatile unsigned char *Temp;
Temp = bios + 0x5555; /* set up address to be C000:5555h */
*Temp = 0xAA; /* write data 0xAA to the address */
Temp = bios + 0x2AAA; /* set up address to be C000:2AAAh */
*Temp = 0x55; /* write data 0x55 to the address */
Temp = bios + 0x5555; /* set up address to be C000:5555h */
*Temp = 0x80; /* write data 0x80 to the address */
Temp = bios + 0x5555; /* set up address to be C000:5555h */
*Temp = 0xAA; /* write data 0xAA to the address */
Temp = bios + 0x2AAA; /* set up address to be C000:2AAAh */
*Temp = 0x55; /* write data 0x55 to the address */
Temp = bios + address; /* set up address to be C000:5555h */
*Temp = 0x50; /* write data 0x55 to the address */
/* wait for Toggle bit ready */
static __inline__ int write_block_49fl004(volatile char * bios,
unsigned char * src,
volatile unsigned char * dst,
unsigned int page_size)
int i;
volatile char *Temp;
for (i = 0; i < page_size; i++) {
if (*dst != 0xff) {
printf("FATAL: dst %p not erased (val 0x%x\n", dst, *dst);
/* transfer data from source to destination */
if (*src == 0xFF) {
dst++, src++;
/* If the data is 0xFF, don't program it */
Temp = (bios + 0x5555);
*Temp = 0xAA;
Temp = bios + 0x2AAA;
*Temp = 0x55;
Temp = bios + 0x5555;
*Temp = 0xA0;
*dst = *src;
if (*dst != *src)
printf("BAD! dst 0x%lx val 0x%x src 0x%x\n",
(unsigned long)dst, *dst, *src);
dst++, src++;
int probe_49fl004 (struct flashchip * flash)
volatile char * bios = flash->virt_addr;
unsigned char id1, id2;
*(volatile char *) (bios + 0x5555) = 0xAA;
*(volatile char *) (bios + 0x2AAA) = 0x55;
*(volatile char *) (bios + 0x5555) = 0x90;
id1 = *(volatile unsigned char *) bios;
id2 = *(volatile unsigned char *) (bios + 0x01);
*(volatile char *) (bios + 0x5555) = 0xAA;
*(volatile char *) (bios + 0x2AAA) = 0x55;
*(volatile char *) (bios + 0x5555) = 0xF0;
printf("%s: id1 0x%x, id2 0x%x\n", __FUNCTION__, id1, id2);
if (id1 == flash->manufacture_id && id2 == flash->model_id)
return 1;
return 0;
int erase_49fl004 (struct flashchip * flash)
volatile unsigned char * bios = flash->virt_addr;
volatile unsigned char *Temp;
Temp = bios + 0x5555; /* set up address to be C000:5555h */
*Temp = 0xAA; /* write data 0xAA to the address */
Temp = bios + 0x2AAA; /* set up address to be C000:2AAAh */
*Temp = 0x55; /* write data 0x55 to the address */
Temp = bios + 0x5555; /* set up address to be C000:5555h */
*Temp = 0x80; /* write data 0x80 to the address */
Temp = bios + 0x5555; /* set up address to be C000:5555h */
*Temp = 0xAA; /* write data 0xAA to the address */
Temp = bios + 0x2AAA; /* set up address to be C000:2AAAh */
*Temp = 0x55; /* write data 0x55 to the address */
Temp = bios + 0x5555; /* set up address to be C000:5555h */
*Temp = 0x10; /* write data 0x10 to the address */
/* wait for Toggle bit ready */
int write_49fl004 (struct flashchip * flash, unsigned char * buf)
int i;
int total_size = flash->total_size * 1024, page_size = flash->page_size;
volatile char * bios = flash->virt_addr;
// unprotect_49fl004 (bios);
// erase_49fl004(flash);
printf ("Programming Page: ");
for (i = 0; i < total_size/page_size; i++) {
/* erase the page before programming */
erase_block_49fl004(bios, i * page_size);
/* write to the sector */
printf ("%04d at address: 0x%08x", i, i * page_size);
write_block_49fl004(bios, buf + i * page_size, bios + i * page_size,
printf ("\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b");
// protect_49fl004 (bios);
#ifndef __PM49FL004_H__
#define __PM49FL004_H__ 1
extern int probe_49fl004 (struct flashchip * flash);
extern int erase_49fl004 (struct flashchip * flash);
extern int write_49fl004 (struct flashchip * flash, unsigned char * buf);
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