Commit d7d423bb authored by Stefan Tauner's avatar Stefan Tauner
Browse files

Add a bunch of new/tested stuff and various small changes 15

Tested Mainboards:
 - Foxconn P55MX

Tested flash chips:
 - Eon EN25F64 to PR (+PR)
 - Macronix MX25L1005 to PREW (+PREW)
 - Set SST39VF512 to PREW (+W)

Tested chipsets:
 - Z77 (only reading was really tested)

 - Fix ft2232_spi's parameter parsing.
 - Fix nicrealtek's init (always segfaulted since r1586 oops).
 - Add another T60 variant to the laptop whitelist.
 - Improve message shown when image file size does not match flash chip
 - Refine messages regarding the flash descriptor override strap according
   to the findings by Vladislav Bykov on his P55MX.
 - Fix the ID of EN25F64.
 - Demote and clarify debug message in serprog_delay().
 - Minor other cleanups.

Corresponding to flashrom svn r1613.
Signed-off-by: default avatarStefan Tauner <>
Acked-by: default avatarStefan Tauner <>
parent 99f947dd
......@@ -2407,10 +2407,11 @@ const struct board_match board_matches[] = {
{0x8086, 0x7190, 0, 0, 0x8086, 0x7110, 0, 0, "^SE440BX-2$", NULL, NULL, P3, "Intel", "SE440BX-2", 0, NT, intel_piix4_gpo27_lower},
{0x1022, 0x7468, 0, 0, 0x1022, 0x7460, 0, 0, NULL, "iwill", "dk8_htx", P3, "IWILL", "DK8-HTX", 0, OK, w83627hf_gpio24_raise_2e},
{0x8086, 0x27A0, 0x8086, 0x27a0, 0x8086, 0x27b8, 0x8086, 0x27b8, NULL, "kontron", "986lcd-m", P3, "Kontron", "986LCD-M", 0, OK, board_kontron_986lcd_m},
{0x8086, 0x27a0, 0x17aa, 0x2015, 0x8086, 0x27b9, 0x17aa, 0x2009, "^ThinkPad T60", NULL, NULL, P2, "Lenovo", "T60", 0, OK, p2_whitelist_laptop},
{0x8086, 0x27a0, 0x17aa, 0x2017, 0x8086, 0x27b9, 0x17aa, 0x2009, "^ThinkPad T60", NULL, NULL, P2, "Lenovo", "T60(s)", 0, OK, p2_whitelist_laptop},
{0x8086, 0x27a0, 0x17aa, 0x2017, 0x8086, 0x27b9, 0x17aa, 0x2009, "^ThinkPad X60", NULL, NULL, P2, "Lenovo", "X60(s)", 0, OK, p2_whitelist_laptop},
{0x8086, 0x2411, 0x8086, 0x2411, 0x8086, 0x7125, 0x0e11, 0xb165, NULL, NULL, NULL, P3, "Mitac", "6513WU", 0, OK, board_mitac_6513wu},
{0x8086, 0x8186, 0x8086, 0x8186, 0x8086, 0x8800, 0x0000, 0x0000, "^MSC Vertriebs GmbH$", NULL, NULL, P2, "MSC", "Q7-TCTC", 0, OK, p2_not_a_laptop},
{0x8086, 0x8186, 0x8086, 0x8186, 0x8086, 0x8800, 0, 0, "^MSC Vertriebs GmbH$", NULL, NULL, P2, "MSC", "Q7-TCTC", 0, OK, p2_not_a_laptop},
{0x10DE, 0x005E, 0x1462, 0x7125, 0x10DE, 0x0052, 0x1462, 0x7125, NULL, NULL, NULL, P3, "MSI", "K8N Neo4-F", 0, OK, nvidia_mcp_gpio2_raise}, /* TODO: Should probably be K8N Neo4 Platinum, see */
{0x8086, 0x7190, 0, 0, 0x8086, 0x7110, 0, 0, "^MS-6163 (i440BX)$", NULL, NULL, P3, "MSI", "MS-6163 (MS-6163 Pro)", 0, OK, intel_piix4_gpo14_raise},
{0x1039, 0x0745, 0, 0, 0x1039, 0x0018, 0, 0, "^MS-6561", NULL, NULL, P3, "MSI", "MS-6561 (745 Ultra)", 0, OK, w836xx_memw_enable_2e},
......@@ -1406,7 +1406,7 @@ const struct penable chipset_enables[] = {
{0x8086, 0x1c5c, OK, "Intel", "H61", enable_flash_pch6},
{0x8086, 0x1d40, OK, "Intel", "X79", enable_flash_pch6},
{0x8086, 0x1d41, OK, "Intel", "X79", enable_flash_pch6},
{0x8086, 0x1e44, NT, "Intel", "Z77", enable_flash_pch7},
{0x8086, 0x1e44, OK, "Intel", "Z77", enable_flash_pch7},
{0x8086, 0x1e46, NT, "Intel", "Z75", enable_flash_pch7},
{0x8086, 0x1e47, NT, "Intel", "Q77", enable_flash_pch7},
{0x8086, 0x1e48, NT, "Intel", "Q75", enable_flash_pch7},
......@@ -954,7 +954,7 @@ const struct flashchip flashchips[] = {
}, {
.eraseblocks = { { 64 * 1024, 1 } },
.block_erase = spi_block_erase_c7,
.printlock = spi_prettyprint_status_register_amic_a25l40p,
.unlock = spi_disable_blockprotect,
......@@ -986,7 +986,7 @@ const struct flashchip flashchips[] = {
}, {
.eraseblocks = { { 128 * 1024, 1 } },
.block_erase = spi_block_erase_c7,
.printlock = spi_prettyprint_status_register_amic_a25l40p,
.unlock = spi_disable_blockprotect,
......@@ -1018,7 +1018,7 @@ const struct flashchip flashchips[] = {
}, {
.eraseblocks = { { 256 * 1024, 1 } },
.block_erase = spi_block_erase_c7,
.printlock = spi_prettyprint_status_register_amic_a25l40p,
.unlock = spi_disable_blockprotect,
......@@ -1050,7 +1050,7 @@ const struct flashchip flashchips[] = {
}, {
.eraseblocks = { { 512 * 1024, 1 } },
.block_erase = spi_block_erase_c7,
.printlock = spi_prettyprint_status_register_amic_a25l40p,
.unlock = spi_disable_blockprotect,
......@@ -1082,7 +1082,7 @@ const struct flashchip flashchips[] = {
}, {
.eraseblocks = { { 1024 * 1024, 1 } },
.block_erase = spi_block_erase_c7,
.printlock = spi_prettyprint_status_register_amic_a25l40p,
.unlock = spi_disable_blockprotect,
......@@ -1114,7 +1114,7 @@ const struct flashchip flashchips[] = {
}, {
.eraseblocks = { { 2048 * 1024, 1 } },
.block_erase = spi_block_erase_c7,
.printlock = spi_prettyprint_status_register_amic_a25l40p,
.unlock = spi_disable_blockprotect,
......@@ -1153,7 +1153,7 @@ const struct flashchip flashchips[] = {
}, {
.eraseblocks = { { 4096 * 1024, 1 } },
.block_erase = spi_block_erase_c7,
.printlock = spi_prettyprint_status_register_amic_a25l032,
.unlock = NULL, /* Two status reg bytes (read with 0x35 and 0x05) */
......@@ -1192,7 +1192,7 @@ const struct flashchip flashchips[] = {
}, {
.eraseblocks = { { 4096 * 1024, 1 } },
.block_erase = spi_block_erase_c7,
.printlock = spi_prettyprint_status_register_amic_a25lq032,
.unlock = NULL, /* Two status reg bytes (read with 0x35 and 0x05) */
......@@ -3413,11 +3413,11 @@ const struct flashchip flashchips[] = {
.name = "EN25F64",
.bustype = BUS_SPI,
.manufacture_id = EON_ID_NOPREFIX,
.model_id = EON_EN25F32,
.model_id = EON_EN25F64,
.total_size = 8192,
.page_size = 256,
.feature_bits = FEATURE_WRSR_WREN,
.tested = TEST_UNTESTED,
.tested = TEST_OK_PR,
.probe = probe_spi_rdid,
.probe_timing = TIMING_ZERO,
.block_erasers =
......@@ -4680,7 +4680,7 @@ const struct flashchip flashchips[] = {
.total_size = 128,
.page_size = 256,
.feature_bits = FEATURE_WRSR_WREN,
.tested = TEST_UNTESTED,
.tested = TEST_OK_PREW,
.probe = probe_spi_rdid,
.probe_timing = TIMING_ZERO,
.block_erasers =
......@@ -7053,7 +7053,7 @@ const struct flashchip flashchips[] = {
.total_size = 64,
.page_size = 4096,
.feature_bits = FEATURE_EITHER_RESET,
.tested = TEST_OK_PRE,
.tested = TEST_OK_PREW,
.probe = probe_jedec,
.probe_timing = 1, /* 150 ns */
.block_erasers =
......@@ -1086,7 +1086,8 @@ int read_buf_from_file(unsigned char *buf, unsigned long size,
return 1;
if (image_stat.st_size != size) {
msg_gerr("Error: Image size doesn't match\n");
msg_gerr("Error: Image size (%ld B) doesn't match the flash chip's size (%ld B)!\n",
image_stat.st_size, size);
return 1;
......@@ -271,11 +271,11 @@ int ft2232_spi_init(void)
channel_count = -1;
if (channel_count < 0 || strlen(arg) != 1) {
msg_perr("Error: Invalid channel/port/interface specified: \"%s\".\n", arg);
return -2;
if (channel_count < 0 || strlen(arg) != 1) {
msg_perr("Error: Invalid channel/port/interface specified: \"%s\".\n", arg);
return -2;
......@@ -1675,11 +1675,9 @@ int ich_init_spi(struct pci_dev *dev, uint32_t base, void *rcrb,
if (tmp2 & HSFS_FDV)
desc_valid = 1;
if (!(tmp2 & HSFS_FDOPSS) && desc_valid)
msg_pinfo("The Flash Descriptor Security Override "
"Strap-Pin is set. Restrictions implied\n"
"by the FRAP and FREG registers are NOT in "
"effect. Please note that Protected\n"
"Range (PR) restrictions still apply.\n");
msg_pinfo("The Flash Descriptor Override Strap-Pin is set. Restrictions implied by\n"
"the Master Section of the flash descriptor are NOT in effect. Please note\n"
"that Protected Range (PR) restrictions still apply.\n");
if (desc_valid) {
......@@ -1720,15 +1718,13 @@ int ich_init_spi(struct pci_dev *dev, uint32_t base, void *rcrb,
if (!ich_spi_force)
programmer_may_write = 0;
msg_pinfo("Writes have been disabled. You can enforce "
"write support with the\nich_spi_force "
"programmer option, but it will most likely "
"harm your hardware!\nIf you force flashrom "
"you will get no support if something "
msg_pinfo("Writes have been disabled for safety reasons. You can enforce write\n"
"support with the ich_spi_force programmer option, but you will most likely\n"
"harm your hardware! If you force flashrom you will get no support if\n"
"something breaks. On a few mainboards it is possible to enable write\n"
"access by setting a jumper (see its documentation or the board itself).\n");
if (ich_spi_force)
msg_pinfo("Continuing with write support "
"because the user forced us to!\n");
msg_pinfo("Continuing with write support because the user forced us to!\n");
tmp = mmio_readl(ich_spibar + ICH9_REG_SSFS);
......@@ -60,6 +60,14 @@ static int nicrealtek_shutdown(void *data)
int nicrealtek_init(void)
if (rget_io_perms())
return 1;
io_base_addr = pcidev_init(PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_0, nics_realtek);
if (register_shutdown(nicrealtek_shutdown, NULL))
return 1;
/* Beware, this ignores the vendor ID! */
switch (pcidev_dev->device_id) {
case 0x8139: /* RTL8139 */
......@@ -74,14 +82,6 @@ int nicrealtek_init(void)
if (rget_io_perms())
return 1;
io_base_addr = pcidev_init(PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_0, nics_realtek);
if (register_shutdown(nicrealtek_shutdown, NULL))
return 1;
register_par_programmer(&par_programmer_nicrealtek, BUS_PARALLEL);
return 0;
......@@ -795,6 +795,7 @@ const struct board_info boards_known[] = {
B("Foxconn", "6150K8MD-8EKRSH", OK, "", NULL),
B("Foxconn", "A6VMX", OK, "", NULL),
B("Foxconn", "P4M800P7MA-RS2", OK, "", NULL),
B("Foxconn", "P55MX", OK, "", "Needs the MFG jumper to be set correctly before flashing to enable the Flash Descriptor Override Strap."),
B("Freetech", "P6F91i", OK, "", NULL),
B("Foxconn", "Q45M", BAD, "", "Probing works (Hardware sequencing, 4096 kB, SPI), but parts of the flash are problematic: descriptor is r/o (conforming to ICH reqs), ME is locked."),
B("Fujitsu-Siemens", "ESPRIMO P5915", OK, "", "Mainboard model is D2312-A2."),
......@@ -877,8 +877,7 @@ void serprog_delay(int usecs)
unsigned char buf[4];
msg_pspew("%s usecs=%d\n", __func__, usecs);
if (!sp_check_commandavail(S_CMD_O_DELAY)) {
msg_pdbg("Note: serprog_delay used, but the programmer doesn't "
"support delay\n");
msg_pdbg2("serprog_delay used, but programmer doesn't support delays natively - emulating\n");
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