Commit aca1dce9 authored by Carl-Daniel Hailfinger's avatar Carl-Daniel Hailfinger
Browse files

Fix Sharp LHF00L04

- Add eraseblock definitions
- Use correct eraseblock sizes (the datasheet is a bit ambiguous)
- Use correct probe function
- Fill in probe timing

There is a lot more stuff left to clean up, but at least probe and erase
should work now.

Corresponding to flashrom svn r837.
Signed-off-by: default avatarCarl-Daniel Hailfinger <>
Acked-by: default avatarSean Nelson <>
parent 74aa7721
......@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ int spi_read_chunked(struct flashchip *flash, uint8_t *buf, int start, int len,
int spi_aai_write(struct flashchip *flash, uint8_t *buf);
/* 82802ab.c */
uint8_t wait_82802ab(chipaddr bios);
int probe_82802ab(struct flashchip *flash);
int erase_82802ab(struct flashchip *flash);
int write_82802ab(struct flashchip *flash, uint8_t *buf);
......@@ -117,7 +118,7 @@ int write_49fl00x(struct flashchip *flash, uint8_t *buf);
/* sharplhf00l04.c */
int probe_lhf00l04(struct flashchip *flash);
int erase_lhf00l04(struct flashchip *flash);
int erase_lhf00l04_block(struct flashchip *flash, unsigned int blockaddr, unsigned int blocklen);
int write_lhf00l04(struct flashchip *flash, uint8_t *buf);
void protect_lhf00l04(chipaddr bios);
......@@ -2522,9 +2522,24 @@ struct flashchip flashchips[] = {
.total_size = 1024,
.page_size = 64 * 1024,
.tested = TEST_UNTESTED,
.probe = probe_lhf00l04,
.probe_timing = TIMING_IGNORED, /* routine don't use probe_timing (sharplhf00l04.c) */
.erase = erase_lhf00l04,
.probe = probe_49lfxxxc,
.probe_timing = TIMING_ZERO,
.erase = NULL,
.block_erasers =
.eraseblocks = {
{64 * 1024, 15},
{8 * 1024, 8}
.block_erase = erase_lhf00l04_block,
}, {
.eraseblocks = {
{1024 * 1024, 1}
.block_erase = NULL, /* 30 D0, only in PP mode */
.write = write_lhf00l04,
.read = read_memmapped,
......@@ -33,80 +33,20 @@ void print_lhf00l04_status(uint8_t status)
printf("%s", status & 0x2 ? "WP|TBL#|WP#,ABORT:" : "UNLOCK:");
int probe_lhf00l04(struct flashchip *flash)
chipaddr bios = flash->virtual_memory;
uint8_t id1, id2;
#if 0
/* Enter ID mode */
chip_writeb(0xAA, bios + 0x5555);
chip_writeb(0x55, bios + 0x2AAA);
chip_writeb(0x90, bios + 0x5555);
chip_writeb(0xff, bios);
chip_writeb(0x90, bios);
id1 = chip_readb(bios);
id2 = chip_readb(bios + 0x01);
/* Leave ID mode */
chip_writeb(0xAA, bios + 0x5555);
chip_writeb(0x55, bios + 0x2AAA);
chip_writeb(0xF0, bios + 0x5555);
printf_debug("%s: id1 0x%02x, id2 0x%02x\n", __func__, id1, id2);
if (id1 != flash->manufacture_id || id2 != flash->model_id)
return 0;
return 1;
uint8_t wait_lhf00l04(chipaddr bios)
uint8_t status;
chip_writeb(0x70, bios);
if ((chip_readb(bios) & 0x80) == 0) { // it's busy
while ((chip_readb(bios) & 0x80) == 0) ;
status = chip_readb(bios);
// put another command to get out of status register mode.
chip_writeb(0x90, bios);
chip_readb(bios); // vendor ID
chip_readb(bios + 0x01); // device ID
// this is needed to jam it out of "read id" mode
chip_writeb(0xAA, bios + 0x5555);
chip_writeb(0x55, bios + 0x2AAA);
chip_writeb(0xF0, bios + 0x5555);
return status;
/* FIXME: The datasheet is unclear whether we should use toggle_ready_jedec
* or wait_82802ab.
int erase_lhf00l04_block(struct flashchip *flash, int offset)
int erase_lhf00l04_block(struct flashchip *flash, unsigned int blockaddr, unsigned int blocklen)
chipaddr bios = flash->virtual_memory + offset;
chipaddr wrprotect = flash->virtual_registers + offset + 2;
chipaddr bios = flash->virtual_memory + blockaddr;
chipaddr wrprotect = flash->virtual_registers + blockaddr + 2;
uint8_t status;
// clear status register
chip_writeb(0x50, bios);
printf("Erase at 0x%lx\n", bios);
status = wait_lhf00l04(flash->virtual_memory);
status = wait_82802ab(flash->virtual_memory);
// clear write protect
printf("write protect is at 0x%lx\n", (wrprotect));
......@@ -119,34 +59,17 @@ int erase_lhf00l04_block(struct flashchip *flash, int offset)
chip_writeb(0xd0, bios);
// now let's see what the register is
status = wait_lhf00l04(flash->virtual_memory);
status = wait_82802ab(flash->virtual_memory);
printf("DONE BLOCK 0x%x\n", offset);
printf("DONE BLOCK 0x%x\n", blockaddr);
if (check_erased_range(flash, offset, flash->page_size)) {
if (check_erased_range(flash, blockaddr, blocklen)) {
fprintf(stderr, "ERASE FAILED!\n");
return -1;
return 0;
int erase_lhf00l04(struct flashchip *flash)
int i;
unsigned int total_size = flash->total_size * 1024;
printf("total_size is %d; flash->page_size is %d\n",
total_size, flash->page_size);
for (i = 0; i < total_size; i += flash->page_size)
if (erase_lhf00l04_block(flash, i)) {
fprintf(stderr, "ERASE FAILED!\n");
return -1;
printf("DONE ERASE\n");
return 0;
void write_page_lhf00l04(chipaddr bios, uint8_t *src,
chipaddr dst, int page_size)
......@@ -156,7 +79,7 @@ void write_page_lhf00l04(chipaddr bios, uint8_t *src,
/* transfer data from source to destination */
chip_writeb(0x40, dst);
chip_writeb(*src++, dst++);
......@@ -167,7 +90,7 @@ int write_lhf00l04(struct flashchip *flash, uint8_t *buf)
int page_size = flash->page_size;
chipaddr bios = flash->virtual_memory;
if (erase_lhf00l04(flash)) {
if (erase_flash(flash)) {
fprintf(stderr, "ERASE FAILED!\n");
return -1;
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