Commit ac8b2a1f authored by Joshua Roys's avatar Joshua Roys Committed by Stefan Tauner
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Add (untested) board enable for Asus P5LD2

There are numerous other variants of the P5LD2 which vary wildly not only in
PCB layout but also in northbridges used, number of PCI, PCI-E and DIMM slots
etc. This one is for the plain P5LD2 without any suffixes.

This patch is essentially a rebased version of Joshua's patch, which was never
tested (user did not reply). I have added additional PCI IDs and the DMI pattern
and also changed the status to NT. An entry in the print.c table was also added.

Corresponding to flashrom svn r1410.
Signed-off-by: default avatarJoshua Roys <>
Signed-off-by: default avatarStefan Tauner <>
Acked-by: default avatarStefan Tauner <>
parent 8b391b8e
......@@ -1461,6 +1461,7 @@ static int intel_ich_gpio_set(int gpio, int raise)
* Suited for:
* - abit IP35: Intel P35 + ICH9R
* - abit IP35 Pro: Intel P35 + ICH9R
* - ASUS P5LD2
static int intel_ich_gpio16_raise(void)
......@@ -2022,6 +2023,7 @@ const struct board_pciid_enable board_pciid_enables[] = {
{0x10B9, 0x1541, 0, 0, 0x10B9, 0x1533, 0, 0, "^P5A$", "asus", "p5a", P3, "ASUS", "P5A", 0, OK, board_asus_p5a},
{0x8086, 0x266a, 0x1043, 0x80a6, 0x8086, 0x2668, 0x1043, 0x814e, NULL, NULL, NULL, P3, "ASUS", "P5GD1 Pro", 0, OK, intel_ich_gpio21_raise},
{0x8086, 0x266a, 0x1043, 0x80a6, 0x8086, 0x2668, 0x1043, 0x813d, NULL, NULL, NULL, P3, "ASUS", "P5GDC Deluxe", 0, OK, intel_ich_gpio21_raise},
{0x8086, 0x27da, 0x1043, 0x8179, 0x8086, 0x27b8 0x1043, 0x8179, "^P5LD2$", NULL, NULL, P3, "ASUS", "P5LD2", 0, NT, intel_ich_gpio16_raise},
{0x10DE, 0x0030, 0x1043, 0x818a, 0x8086, 0x100E, 0x1043, 0x80EE, NULL, NULL, NULL, P3, "ASUS", "P5ND2-SLI Deluxe", 0, OK, nvidia_mcp_gpio10_raise},
{0x8086, 0x24dd, 0x1043, 0x80a6, 0x8086, 0x2570, 0x1043, 0x8157, NULL, NULL, NULL, P3, "ASUS", "P5PE-VM", 0, OK, intel_ich_gpio21_raise},
{0x10b7, 0x9055, 0x1028, 0x0082, 0x8086, 0x7190, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, P3, "Dell", "OptiPlex GX1", 0, OK, intel_piix4_gpo30_lower},
......@@ -482,6 +482,7 @@ const struct board_info boards_known[] = {
B("ASUS", "P5GDC Deluxe", 1, "", NULL),
B("ASUS", "P5KC", 1, "", NULL),
B("ASUS", "P5L-MX", 1, "", NULL),
B("ASUS", "P5LD2", 0, NULL, "Untested board enable."),
B("ASUS", "P5GD1 Pro", 1, "", NULL),
B("ASUS", "P5N-E SLI", 0, "", "Needs a board enable ("),
B("ASUS", "P5N32-E SLI", 1, "", NULL),
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