Commit a9424d59 authored by Stefan Reinauer's avatar Stefan Reinauer Committed by Stefan Reinauer
Browse files

Multiple unrelated changes

* ICH7 SPI support
* fix some variable names in ichspi.c (Offset -> offset)
* Dump ICH7 SPI bar with -V
* Improve error message in case IOPL goes wrong. (It might not even be an IOPL)

Corresponding to flashrom svn r278 and coreboot v2 svn r3393.
Signed-off-by: default avatarStefan Reinauer <>
Acked-by: default avatarPeter Stuge <>
parent 325b5d47
......@@ -189,15 +189,16 @@ void *ich_spibar = NULL;
static int enable_flash_ich_dc_spi(struct pci_dev *dev, const char *name, unsigned long spibar)
uint8_t old, new, bbs;
uint8_t old, new, bbs, buc;
uint32_t tmp, gcs;
void *rcrb;
/* Read the Root Complex Base Address Register (RCBA) */
tmp = pci_read_long(dev, 0xf0);
/* Calculate the Root Complex Register Block address */
tmp &= 0xffffc000;
printf_debug("Root Complex Register Block address = 0x%x\n", tmp);
printf_debug("\nRoot Complex Register Block address = 0x%x\n", tmp);
rcrb = mmap(0, 0x4000, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd_mem, (off_t)tmp);
if (rcrb == MAP_FAILED) {
perror("Can't mmap memory using " MEM_DEV);
......@@ -212,11 +213,42 @@ static int enable_flash_ich_dc_spi(struct pci_dev *dev, const char *name, unsign
printf_debug("BOOT BIOS Straps: 0x%x (%s)\n", bbs,
(bbs == 0x3) ? "LPC" : ((bbs == 0x2) ? "PCI" : "SPI"));
buc = *(volatile uint8_t *)(rcrb + 0x3414);
printf_debug("Top Swap : %s\n", (buc & 1)?"enabled (A16 inverted)":"not enabled");
/* SPIBAR is at RCRB+0x3020 for ICH[78] and RCRB+0x3800 for ICH9. */
printf_debug("SPIBAR = 0x%lx\n", tmp + spibar);
/* TODO: Dump the SPI config regs */
printf_debug("SPIBAR = 0x%x + 0x%04x\n", tmp, (uint16_t)spibar);
// Assign Virtual Address
ich_spibar = rcrb + spibar;
if (ich7_detected) {
int i;
printf_debug("0x00: 0x%04x (SPIS)\n", *(uint16_t *)(ich_spibar + 0));
printf_debug("0x02: 0x%04x (SPIC)\n", *(uint16_t *)(ich_spibar + 2));
printf_debug("0x04: 0x%08x (SPIA)\n", *(uint32_t *)(ich_spibar + 4));
for (i=0; i < 8; i++) {
int offs;
offs = 8 + (i * 8);
printf_debug("0x%02x: 0x%08x (SPID%d)\n", offs, *(uint32_t *)(ich_spibar + offs), i);
printf_debug("0x%02x: 0x%08x (SPID%d+4)\n", offs+4, *(uint32_t *)(ich_spibar + offs +4), i);
printf_debug("0x50: 0x%08x (BBAR)\n", *(uint32_t *)(ich_spibar + 0x50));
printf_debug("0x54: 0x%04x (PREOP)\n", *(uint16_t *)(ich_spibar + 0x54));
printf_debug("0x56: 0x%04x (OPTYPE)\n", *(uint16_t *)(ich_spibar + 0x56));
printf_debug("0x58: 0x%08x (OPMENU)\n", *(uint32_t *)(ich_spibar + 0x58));
printf_debug("0x5c: 0x%08x (OPMENU+4)\n", *(uint32_t *)(ich_spibar + 0x5c));
for (i=0; i < 4; i++) {
int offs;
offs = 0x60 + (i * 4);
printf_debug("0x%02x: 0x%08x (PBR%d)\n", offs, *(uint32_t *)(ich_spibar + offs), i);
if ( (*(uint16_t *)ich_spibar) & (1 << 15)) {
printf("WARNING: SPI Configuration Lockdown activated.\n");
old = pci_read_byte(dev, 0xdc);
printf_debug("SPI Read Configuration: ");
new = (old >> 2) & 0x3;
......@@ -234,11 +266,16 @@ static int enable_flash_ich_dc_spi(struct pci_dev *dev, const char *name, unsign
return enable_flash_ich_dc(dev, name);
/* Flag for ICH7 SPI register block */
int ich7_detected = 0;
static int enable_flash_ich7(struct pci_dev *dev, const char *name)
ich7_detected = 1;
return enable_flash_ich_dc_spi(dev, name, 0x3020);
/* Flag for ICH8/ICH9 SPI register block */
int ich9_detected = 0;
static int enable_flash_ich8(struct pci_dev *dev, const char *name)
......@@ -370,6 +370,7 @@ void print_supported_boards(void);
/* chipset_enable.c */
int chipset_flash_enable(void);
void print_supported_chipsets(void);
extern int ich7_detected;
extern int ich9_detected;
extern void *ich_spibar;
......@@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
if (iopl(3) != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: iopl failed: \"%s\"\n",
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Could not get IO privileges (%s).\nYou need to be root.\n",
......@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
* Copyright (C) 2008 Stefan Wildemann <>
* Copyright (C) 2008 Claus Gindhart <>
* Copyright (C) 2008 Dominik Geyer <>
* Copyright (C) 2008 coresystems GmbH <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
......@@ -42,15 +43,17 @@
#define MAXDATABYTES 0x40
/*ICH9 controller register definition*/
#define REG_FADDR 0x08 /* 32 Bits */
#define REG_FDATA0 0x10 /* 64 Bytes */
#define REG_SSFS 0x90 /* 08 Bits */
/* ICH9 controller register definition */
#define ICH9_REG_FADDR 0x08 /* 32 Bits */
#define ICH9_REG_FDATA0 0x10 /* 64 Bytes */
#define ICH9_REG_SSFS 0x90 /* 08 Bits */
#define SSFS_SCIP 0x00000001
#define SSFS_CDS 0x00000004
#define SSFS_FCERR 0x00000008
#define SSFS_AEL 0x00000010
#define REG_SSFC 0x91 /* 24 Bits */
#define ICH9_REG_SSFC 0x91 /* 24 Bits */
#define SSFC_SCGO 0x00000200
#define SSFC_ACS 0x00000400
#define SSFC_SPOP 0x00000800
......@@ -61,9 +64,10 @@
#define SSFC_SCF 0x01000000
#define SSFC_SCF_20MHZ 0x00000000
#define SSFC_SCF_33MHZ 0x01000000
#define REG_PREOP 0x94 /* 16 Bits */
#define REG_OPTYPE 0x96 /* 16 Bits */
#define REG_OPMENU 0x98 /* 64 BITS */
#define ICH9_REG_PREOP 0x94 /* 16 Bits */
#define ICH9_REG_OPTYPE 0x96 /* 16 Bits */
#define ICH9_REG_OPMENU 0x98 /* 64 Bits */
// ICH9R SPI commands
......@@ -71,6 +75,24 @@
// ICH7 registers
#define ICH7_REG_SPIS 0x00 /* 16 Bits */
#define SPIS_SCIP 0x00000001
#define SPIS_CDS 0x00000004
#define SPIS_FCERR 0x00000008
#define ICH7_REG_SPIC 0x02 /* 16 Bits */
#define SPIC_SCGO 0x0002
#define SPIC_ACS 0x0004
#define SPIC_SPOP 0x0008
#define SPIC_DS 0x4000
#define ICH7_REG_SPIA 0x04 /* 32 Bits */
#define ICH7_REG_SPID0 0x08 /* 64 Bytes */
#define ICH7_REG_PREOP 0x54 /* 16 Bits */
#define ICH7_REG_OPTYPE 0x56 /* 16 Bits */
#define ICH7_REG_OPMENU 0x58 /* 64 Bits */
typedef struct _OPCODE {
uint8_t opcode; //This commands spi opcode
uint8_t spi_type; //This commands spi type
......@@ -101,7 +123,14 @@ static OPCODES *curopcodes = NULL;
static inline uint32_t REGREAD32(int X)
volatile uint32_t regval;
regval = *(volatile uint32_t *)((uint8_t *) ich_spibar + X);
regval = *(volatile uint32_t *) ((uint8_t *) ich_spibar + X);
return regval;
static inline uint16_t REGREAD16(int X)
volatile uint16_t regval;
regval = *(volatile uint16_t *) ((uint8_t *) ich_spibar + X);
return regval;
......@@ -114,9 +143,9 @@ static int program_opcodes(OPCODES * op);
static int run_opcode(uint8_t nr, OPCODE op, uint32_t offset,
uint8_t datalength, uint8_t * data);
static int ich_spi_read_page(struct flashchip *flash, uint8_t * buf,
int Offset);
int offset);
static int ich_spi_write_page(struct flashchip *flash, uint8_t * bytes,
int Offset);
int offset);
static int ich_spi_erase_block(struct flashchip *flash, int offset);
......@@ -147,34 +176,160 @@ int program_opcodes(OPCODES * op)
temp16 = (op->preop[0]);
/* 8:16 Prefix Opcode 2 */
temp16 |= ((uint16_t) op->preop[1]) << 8;
if (ich7_detected) {
} else if (ich9_detected) {
/*Program Opcode Types 0 - 7 */
/* Program Opcode Types 0 - 7 */
temp16 = 0;
for (a = 0; a < 8; a++) {
temp16 |= ((uint16_t) op->opcode[a].spi_type) << (a * 2);
/*Program Allowable Opcodes 0 - 3 */
if (ich7_detected) {
} else if (ich9_detected) {
/* Program Allowable Opcodes 0 - 3 */
temp32 = 0;
for (a = 0; a < 4; a++) {
temp32 |= ((uint32_t) op->opcode[a].opcode) << (a * 8);
if (ich7_detected) {
} else if (ich9_detected) {
/*Program Allowable Opcodes 4 - 7 */
temp32 = 0;
for (a = 4; a < 8; a++) {
temp32 |= ((uint32_t) op->opcode[a].opcode) << ((a - 4) * 8);
temp32 |=
((uint32_t) op->opcode[a].opcode) << ((a - 4) * 8);
if (ich7_detected) {
REGWRITE32(ICH7_REG_OPMENU + 4, temp32);
} else if (ich9_detected) {
REGWRITE32(ICH9_REG_OPMENU + 4, temp32);
return 0;
static int ich7_run_opcode(uint8_t nr, OPCODE op, uint32_t offset,
uint8_t datalength, uint8_t * data)
int write_cmd = 0;
int timeout;
uint32_t temp32;
uint16_t temp16;
uint32_t a;
/* Is it a write command? */
write_cmd = 1;
/* Programm Offset in Flash into FADDR */
REGWRITE32(ICH7_REG_SPIA, (offset & 0x00FFFFFF)); /* SPI addresses are 24 BIT only */
/* Program data into FDATA0 to N */
if (write_cmd && (datalength != 0)) {
temp32 = 0;
for (a = 0; a < datalength; a++) {
if ((a % 4) == 0) {
temp32 = 0;
temp32 |= ((uint32_t) data[a]) << ((a % 4) * 8);
if ((a % 4) == 3) {
REGWRITE32(ICH7_REG_SPID0 + (a - (a % 4)),
if (((a - 1) % 4) != 3) {
((a - 1) - ((a - 1) % 4)), temp32);
/* Assemble SPIS */
temp16 = 0;
/* clear error status registers */
temp16 |= (SPIS_CDS + SPIS_FCERR);
/* Assemble SPIC */
temp16 = 0;
if (datalength != 0) {
temp16 |= SPIC_DS;
temp16 |= ((uint16_t) ((datalength - 1) & 0x3f)) << 8;
/* Select opcode */
temp16 |= ((uint16_t) (nr & 0x07)) << 4;
/* Handle Atomic */
if (op.atomic != 0) {
/* Select atomic command */
temp16 |= SPIC_ACS;
/* Selct prefix opcode */
if ((op.atomic - 1) == 1) {
/*Select prefix opcode 2 */
temp16 |= SPIC_SPOP;
/* Start */
temp16 |= SPIC_SCGO;
/* write it */
/* wait for cycle complete */
timeout = 1000 * 60; // 60s is a looong timeout.
while (((REGREAD16(ICH7_REG_SPIS) & SPIS_CDS) == 0) && --timeout) {
if (!timeout) {
printf_debug("Transaction error!\n");
return 1;
if ((!write_cmd) && (datalength != 0)) {
for (a = 0; a < datalength; a++) {
if ((a % 4) == 0) {
temp32 = REGREAD32(ICH7_REG_SPID0 + (a));
data[a] =
(temp32 & (((uint32_t) 0xff) << ((a % 4) * 8)))
>> ((a % 4) * 8);
REGWRITE32(REG_OPMENU + 4, temp32);
return 0;
int run_opcode(uint8_t nr, OPCODE op, uint32_t offset, uint8_t datalength,
uint8_t * data)
static int ich9_run_opcode(uint8_t nr, OPCODE op, uint32_t offset,
uint8_t datalength, uint8_t * data)
int write_cmd = 0;
uint32_t temp32;
......@@ -187,7 +342,7 @@ int run_opcode(uint8_t nr, OPCODE op, uint32_t offset, uint8_t datalength,
/* Programm Offset in Flash into FADDR */
REGWRITE32(REG_FADDR, (offset & 0x00FFFFFF)); /*SPI addresses are 24 BIT only */
REGWRITE32(ICH9_REG_FADDR, (offset & 0x00FFFFFF)); /* SPI addresses are 24 BIT only */
/* Program data into FDATA0 to N */
if (write_cmd && (datalength != 0)) {
......@@ -200,12 +355,13 @@ int run_opcode(uint8_t nr, OPCODE op, uint32_t offset, uint8_t datalength,
temp32 |= ((uint32_t) data[a]) << ((a % 4) * 8);
if ((a % 4) == 3) {
REGWRITE32(REG_FDATA0 + (a - (a % 4)), temp32);
REGWRITE32(ICH9_REG_FDATA0 + (a - (a % 4)),
if (((a - 1) % 4) != 3) {
REGWRITE32(REG_FDATA0 + ((a - 1) - ((a - 1) % 4)),
((a - 1) - ((a - 1) % 4)), temp32);
......@@ -243,15 +399,15 @@ int run_opcode(uint8_t nr, OPCODE op, uint32_t offset, uint8_t datalength,
temp32 |= SSFC_SCGO;
/* write it */
/*wait for cycle complete */
while ((REGREAD32(REG_SSFS) & SSFS_CDS) == 0) {
while ((REGREAD32(ICH9_REG_SSFS) & SSFS_CDS) == 0) {
/*TODO; Do something that this can't lead into an endless loop. but some
* commands may cause this to be last more than 30 seconds */
if ((REGREAD32(REG_SSFS) & SSFS_FCERR) != 0) {
printf_debug("Transaction error!\n");
return 1;
......@@ -259,21 +415,35 @@ int run_opcode(uint8_t nr, OPCODE op, uint32_t offset, uint8_t datalength,
if ((!write_cmd) && (datalength != 0)) {
for (a = 0; a < datalength; a++) {
if ((a % 4) == 0) {
temp32 = REGREAD32(REG_FDATA0 + (a));
temp32 = REGREAD32(ICH9_REG_FDATA0 + (a));
data[a] =
(temp32 & (((uint32_t) 0xff) << ((a % 4) * 8))) >>
((a % 4) * 8);
(temp32 & (((uint32_t) 0xff) << ((a % 4) * 8)))
>> ((a % 4) * 8);
return 0;
static int run_opcode(uint8_t nr, OPCODE op, uint32_t offset,
uint8_t datalength, uint8_t * data)
if (ich7_detected)
return ich7_run_opcode(nr, op, offset, datalength, data);
else if (ich9_detected) {
return ich9_run_opcode(nr, op, offset, datalength, data);
/* If we ever get here, something really weird happened */
return -1;
static int ich_spi_erase_block(struct flashchip *flash, int offset)
printf_debug("Spi_Erase,Offset=%d,sectors=%d\n", offset, 1);
printf_debug("ich_spi_erase_block: offset=%d, sectors=%d\n",
offset, 1);
if (run_opcode(2, curopcodes->opcode[2], offset, 0, NULL) != 0) {
printf_debug("Error erasing sector at 0x%x", offset);
......@@ -285,21 +455,21 @@ static int ich_spi_erase_block(struct flashchip *flash, int offset)
return 0;
static int ich_spi_read_page(struct flashchip *flash, uint8_t * buf, int Offset)
static int ich_spi_read_page(struct flashchip *flash, uint8_t * buf, int offset)
int page_size = flash->page_size;
uint32_t remaining = flash->page_size;
int a;
printf_debug("Spi_Read,Offset=%d,number=%d,buf=%p\n", Offset, page_size,
printf_debug("ich_spi_read_page: offset=%d, number=%d, buf=%p\n",
offset, page_size, buf);
for (a = 0; a < page_size; a += MAXDATABYTES) {
if (remaining < MAXDATABYTES) {
if (run_opcode
(1, curopcodes->opcode[1],
Offset + (page_size - remaining), remaining,
offset + (page_size - remaining), remaining,
&buf[page_size - remaining]) != 0) {
printf_debug("Error reading");
return 1;
......@@ -308,7 +478,7 @@ static int ich_spi_read_page(struct flashchip *flash, uint8_t * buf, int Offset)
} else {
if (run_opcode
(1, curopcodes->opcode[1],
Offset + (page_size - remaining), MAXDATABYTES,
offset + (page_size - remaining), MAXDATABYTES,
&buf[page_size - remaining]) != 0) {
printf_debug("Error reading");
return 1;
......@@ -321,20 +491,20 @@ static int ich_spi_read_page(struct flashchip *flash, uint8_t * buf, int Offset)
static int ich_spi_write_page(struct flashchip *flash, uint8_t * bytes,
int Offset)
int offset)
int page_size = flash->page_size;
uint32_t remaining = page_size;
int a;
printf_debug("write_page_ichspi,Offset=%d,number=%d,buf=%p\n", Offset,
page_size, bytes);
printf_debug("ich_spi_write_page: offset=%d, number=%d, buf=%p\n",
offset, page_size, bytes);
for (a = 0; a < page_size; a += MAXDATABYTES) {
if (remaining < MAXDATABYTES) {
if (run_opcode
(0, curopcodes->opcode[0],
Offset + (page_size - remaining), remaining,
offset + (page_size - remaining), remaining,
&bytes[page_size - remaining]) != 0) {
printf_debug("Error writing");
return 1;
......@@ -343,7 +513,7 @@ static int ich_spi_write_page(struct flashchip *flash, uint8_t * bytes,
} else {
if (run_opcode
(0, curopcodes->opcode[0],
Offset + (page_size - remaining), MAXDATABYTES,
offset + (page_size - remaining), MAXDATABYTES,
&bytes[page_size - remaining]) != 0) {
printf_debug("Error writing");
return 1;
......@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
* This file is part of the flashrom project.
* Copyright (C) 2007, 2008 Carl-Daniel Hailfinger
* Copyright (C) 2008 coresystems GmbH
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
......@@ -35,6 +36,8 @@ int spi_command(unsigned int writecnt, unsigned int readcnt, const unsigned char
if (it8716f_flashport)
return it8716f_spi_command(writecnt, readcnt, writearr, readarr);
else if (ich7_detected)
return ich_spi_command(writecnt, readcnt, writearr, readarr);
else if (ich9_detected)
return ich_spi_command(writecnt, readcnt, writearr, readarr);
printf_debug("%s called, but no SPI chipset detected\n", __FUNCTION__);
......@@ -357,6 +360,8 @@ int spi_chip_read(struct flashchip *flash, uint8_t *buf)
if (it8716f_flashport)
return it8716f_spi_chip_read(flash, buf);
else if (ich7_detected)
return ich_spi_read(flash, buf);
else if (ich9_detected)
return ich_spi_read(flash, buf);
printf_debug("%s called, but no SPI chipset detected\n", __FUNCTION__);
......@@ -367,6 +372,8 @@ int spi_chip_write(struct flashchip *flash, uint8_t *buf)
if (it8716f_flashport)
return it8716f_spi_chip_write(flash, buf);
else if (ich7_detected)
return ich_spi_write(flash, buf);
else if (ich9_detected)
return ich_spi_write(flash, buf);
printf_debug("%s called, but no SPI chipset detected\n", __FUNCTION__);
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