Commit 7de8639b authored by Carl-Daniel Hailfinger's avatar Carl-Daniel Hailfinger
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Add 28 flash chips of the MX29 series to the flashrom ID table and support the MX29LV040C

MX29LV040C probe and read support tested by khetzal on IRC.

Corresponding to flashrom svn r366 and coreboot v2 svn r3809.
Signed-off-by: default avatarCarl-Daniel Hailfinger <>
Acked-by: default avatarUwe Hermann <>
parent 90eff153
......@@ -256,6 +256,34 @@ extern struct flashchip flashchips[];
#define MX_25L3235D 0x2416
#define MX_29F002B 0x34
#define MX_29F002T 0xB0
#define MX_29LV002CB 0x5A
#define MX_29LV002CT 0x59
#define MX_29LV004CB 0xB6
#define MX_29LV004CT 0xB5
#define MX_29LV008CB 0x37
#define MX_29LV008CT 0x3E
#define MX_29F040C 0xA4
#define MX_29F200CB 0x57
#define MX_29F200CT 0x51
#define MX_29F400CB 0xAB
#define MX_29F400CT 0x23
#define MX_29LV040C 0x4F
#define MX_29LV128DB 0x7A
#define MX_29LV128DT 0x7E
#define MX_29LV160DB 0x49 /* Same as MX29LV161DB/MX29LV160CB */
#define MX_29LV160DT 0xC4 /* Same as MX29LV161DT/MX29LV160CT */
#define MX_29LV320DB 0xA8 /* Same as MX29LV321DB */
#define MX_29LV320DT 0xA7 /* Same as MX29LV321DT */
#define MX_29LV400CB 0xBA
#define MX_29LV400CT 0xB9
#define MX_29LV800CB 0x5B
#define MX_29LV800CT 0xDA
#define MX_29LV640DB 0xCB /* Same as MX29LV640EB */
#define MX_29LV640DT 0xC9 /* Same as MX29LV640ET */
#define MX_29SL402CB 0xF1
#define MX_29SL402CT 0x70
#define MX_29SL800CB 0x6B /* Same as MX29SL802CB */
#define MX_29SL800CT 0xEA /* Same as MX29SL802CT */
* Programmable Micro Corp is listed in JEP106W in bank 2, so it should
......@@ -392,6 +392,12 @@ struct flashchip flashchips[] = {
probe_29f002, erase_29f002, write_29f002
{"Macronix", "MX29LV040C", MX_ID, MX_29LV040C,
512, 64 * 1024,
probe_29f002, erase_29f002, write_29f002
{"Numonyx", "M25PE10", ST_ID, 0x8011,
128, 256,
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