Commit 6afb613f authored by Carl-Daniel Hailfinger's avatar Carl-Daniel Hailfinger
Browse files

Add additional SPI sector erase and chip erase command functions

Not all chips support all commands, so allow the implementer to select
the matching function. Fix a layering violation in ICH SPI code to be
less bad. Still not perfect, but the new code is shorter, more generic
and architecturally more sound.

TODO (in a separate patch): - move the generic sector erase code to
spi.c - decide which erase command to use based on info about the chip -
create a generic spi_erase_all_sectors function which calls the generic
sector erase function

Thanks to Stefan for reviewing and commenting.

Corresponding to flashrom svn r337 and coreboot v2 svn r3722.
Signed-off-by: default avatarCarl-Daniel Hailfinger <>
Acked-by: default avatarStefan Reinauer <>
parent 4311956a
......@@ -424,8 +424,11 @@ int spi_command(unsigned int writecnt, unsigned int readcnt,
const unsigned char *writearr, unsigned char *readarr);
void spi_write_enable();
void spi_write_disable();
int spi_chip_erase_60(struct flashchip *flash);
int spi_chip_erase_c7(struct flashchip *flash);
int spi_chip_erase_d8(struct flashchip *flash);
int spi_block_erase_52(const struct flashchip *flash, unsigned long addr);
int spi_block_erase_d8(const struct flashchip *flash, unsigned long addr);
int spi_chip_write(struct flashchip *flash, uint8_t *buf);
int spi_chip_read(struct flashchip *flash, uint8_t *buf);
uint8_t spi_read_status_register();
......@@ -154,7 +154,6 @@ static int ich_spi_read_page(struct flashchip *flash, uint8_t * buf,
int offset, int maxdata);
static int ich_spi_write_page(struct flashchip *flash, uint8_t * bytes,
int offset, int maxdata);
static int ich_spi_erase_block(struct flashchip *flash, int offset);
......@@ -479,20 +478,6 @@ static int run_opcode(OPCODE op, uint32_t offset,
return -1;
static int ich_spi_erase_block(struct flashchip *flash, int offset)
printf_debug("ich_spi_erase_block: offset=%d, sectors=%d\n", offset, 1);
if (run_opcode(curopcodes->opcode[2], offset, 0, NULL) != 0) {
printf_debug("Error erasing sector at 0x%x", offset);
return -1;
printf("DONE BLOCK 0x%x\n", offset);
return 0;
static int ich_spi_read_page(struct flashchip *flash, uint8_t * buf, int offset,
int maxdata)
......@@ -596,7 +581,11 @@ int ich_spi_write(struct flashchip *flash, uint8_t * buf)
printf("Programming page: \n");
for (i = 0; i < total_size / erase_size; i++) {
rc = ich_spi_erase_block(flash, i * erase_size);
/* FIMXE: call the chip-specific spi_block_erase_XX instead.
* For this, we need to add a block erase function to
* struct flashchip.
rc = spi_block_erase_d8(flash, i * erase_size);
if (rc) {
printf("Error erasing block at 0x%x\n", i);
......@@ -271,6 +271,22 @@ void spi_prettyprint_status_register(struct flashchip *flash)
int spi_chip_erase_60(struct flashchip *flash)
const unsigned char cmd[JEDEC_CE_60_OUTSIZE] = {JEDEC_CE_60};
/* Send CE (Chip Erase) */
spi_command(sizeof(cmd), 0, cmd, NULL);
/* Wait until the Write-In-Progress bit is cleared.
* This usually takes 1-85 s, so wait in 1 s steps.
while (spi_read_status_register() & JEDEC_RDSR_BIT_WIP)
return 0;
int spi_chip_erase_c7(struct flashchip *flash)
const unsigned char cmd[JEDEC_CE_C7_OUTSIZE] = { JEDEC_CE_C7 };
......@@ -287,6 +303,24 @@ int spi_chip_erase_c7(struct flashchip *flash)
return 0;
int spi_block_erase_52(const struct flashchip *flash, unsigned long addr)
unsigned char cmd[JEDEC_BE_52_OUTSIZE] = {JEDEC_BE_52};
cmd[1] = (addr & 0x00ff0000) >> 16;
cmd[2] = (addr & 0x0000ff00) >> 8;
cmd[3] = (addr & 0x000000ff);
/* Send BE (Block Erase) */
spi_command(sizeof(cmd), 0, cmd, NULL);
/* Wait until the Write-In-Progress bit is cleared.
* This usually takes 100-4000 ms, so wait in 100 ms steps.
while (spi_read_status_register() & JEDEC_RDSR_BIT_WIP)
usleep(100 * 1000);
return 0;
/* Block size is usually
* 64k for Macronix
* 32k for SST
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