Commit 500b423c authored by Carl-Daniel Hailfinger's avatar Carl-Daniel Hailfinger
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Refactor HT-1000 GPIO setting to use sio_mask

Although the HT-1000 GPIOs are not SuperIO related, the share the same
index/data register access method.

Corresponding to flashrom svn r561.
Signed-off-by: default avatarCarl-Daniel Hailfinger <>
Acked-by: default avatarUwe Hermann <>
parent b22918ca
......@@ -365,25 +365,20 @@ static int board_asus_p5a(const char *name)
static int board_ibm_x3455(const char *name)
uint8_t byte;
/* Set GPIO lines in the Broadcom HT-1000 southbridge. */
OUTB(0x45, 0xcd6);
byte = INB(0xcd7);
OUTB(byte | 0x20, 0xcd7);
/* It's not a superio but it uses the same index/data port method. */
sio_mask(0xcd6, 0x45, 0x20, 0x20);
return 0;
static int board_hp_dl145_g3_enable(const char *name)
uint8_t byte;
/* Set GPIO lines in the Broadcom HT-1000 southbridge. */
OUTB(0x44, 0xcd6); /* GPIO 0 reg from PM regs */
byte = INB(0xcd7);
/* GPIO 0 reg from PM regs */
/* Set GPIO 2 and 5 high, connected to flash WP# and TBL# pins. */
OUTB(byte | 0x24, 0xcd7);
/* It's not a superio but it uses the same index/data port method. */
sio_mask(0xcd6, 0x44, 0x24, 0x24);
return 0;
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