Commit 301703bc authored by Uwe Hermann's avatar Uwe Hermann
Browse files

Fix bug in wiki printing and whitespace

The required "-m" options were not in the wiki output due to a mistake
that I think I introduced recently.

Corresponding to flashrom svn r1027.
Signed-off-by: default avatarUwe Hermann <>
Acked-by: default avatarUwe Hermann <>
parent dd128c97
......@@ -450,14 +450,14 @@ const struct board_info boards_known[] = {
/* Please keep this list alphabetically ordered by vendor/board. */
const struct board_info laptops_known[] = {
#if defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__)
B("Acer", "Aspire 1520", 1, "", NULL),
B("Acer", "Aspire One", 0, NULL, ""),
B("ASUS", "Eee PC 701 4G",0, "", "It seems the chip (25X40VSIG) is behind some SPI flash translation layer (likely in the EC, the ENE KB3310)."),
B("Dell", "Latitude CPi A366XT",0, "", "The laptop immediately powers off if you try to hot-swap the chip. It's not yet tested if write/erase would work on this laptop."),
B("HP/Compaq", "nx9010", 0, "", "Hangs upon '''flashrom -V''' (needs hard power-cycle then)."),
B("IBM/Lenovo", "Thinkpad T40p",0, "", NULL),
B("IBM/Lenovo", "240", 0, "", "Seems to (partially) work at first, but one block/sector cannot be written which then leaves you with a bricked laptop. Maybe this can be investigated and fixed in software later."),
B("Lenovo", "3000 V100 TF05Cxx",1, "", NULL),
B("Acer", "Aspire 1520", 1, "", NULL),
B("Acer", "Aspire One", 0, NULL, ""),
B("ASUS", "Eee PC 701 4G", 0, "", "It seems the chip (25X40VSIG) is behind some SPI flash translation layer (likely in the EC, the ENE KB3310)."),
B("Dell", "Latitude CPi A366XT", 0, "", "The laptop immediately powers off if you try to hot-swap the chip. It's not yet tested if write/erase would work on this laptop."),
B("HP/Compaq", "nx9010", 0, "", "Hangs upon '''flashrom -V''' (needs hard power-cycle then)."),
B("IBM/Lenovo", "Thinkpad T40p", 0, "", NULL),
B("IBM/Lenovo", "240", 0, "", "Seems to (partially) work at first, but one block/sector cannot be written which then leaves you with a bricked laptop. Maybe this can be investigated and fixed in software later."),
B("Lenovo", "3000 V100 TF05Cxx", 1, "", NULL),
......@@ -146,8 +146,8 @@ static void wiki_helper(const char *devicetype, int cols,
k = 0;
while ((b[k].vendor_name != NULL)
&& !strcmp(b[k].vendor_name, boards[i].vendor)
&& !strcmp(b[k].board_name, boards[i].name)) {
&& strcmp(b[k].vendor_name, boards[i].vendor)
&& strcmp(b[k].board_name, boards[i].name)) {
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