Commit 2fd11d6a authored by Claus Gindhart's avatar Claus Gindhart Committed by Peter Stuge
Browse files

Probe for up to 3 flash chips

Currently there is an ongoing technology migration from LPC/FWH to SPI chips.
For this reason some boards have multiple chips of different technologies
onboard. This patch makes flashrom probe for up to 3 chips and if more than
one chip is found flashrom exits, asking the user to specify -c.

[root@localhost src]# ./flashrom
Multiple flash chips were detected: SST49LF008A M25P16@ICH9
Please specify which chip to use with the -c <chipname> option.
[root@localhost src]# 

Corresponding to flashrom svn r222 and coreboot v2 svn r3291.
Signed-off-by: default avatarClaus Gindhart <>
Signed-off-by: default avatarPeter Stuge <>
Acked-by: default avatarClaus Gindhart <>
parent 1159d586
......@@ -246,11 +246,12 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
uint8_t *buf;
unsigned long size;
FILE *image;
struct flashchip *flash;
/* Probe for up to three flash chips. */
struct flashchip *flash, *flashes[3];
int opt;
int option_index = 0;
int read_it = 0, write_it = 0, erase_it = 0, verify_it = 0;
int ret = 0;
int ret = 0, i;
static struct option long_options[] = {
{"read", 0, 0, 'r'},
......@@ -405,12 +406,27 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
board_flash_enable(lb_vendor, lb_part);
if ((flash = probe_flash(flashchips)) == NULL) {
for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(flashes); i++) {
flashes[i] = probe_flash(i ? flashes[i - 1] + 1 : flashchips);
if (!flashes[i])
for (i++; i < ARRAY_SIZE(flashes); i++)
flashes[i] = NULL;
if (flashes[1]) {
printf("Multiple flash chips were detected:");
for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(flashes) && flashes[i]; i++)
printf(" %s", flashes[i]->name);
printf("\nPlease specify which chip to use with the -c <chipname> option.\n");
} else if (!flashes[0]) {
printf("No EEPROM/flash device found.\n");
// FIXME: flash writes stay enabled!
flash = flashes[0];
printf("Flash part is %s (%d KB).\n", flash->name, flash->total_size);
if (TEST_OK_MASK != (flash->tested & TEST_OK_MASK)) {
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