Commit 2c5b65eb authored by Stefan Tauner's avatar Stefan Tauner
Browse files

Add board enable for abit BF6

Because the board does not have any PCI subsystem IDs set and the
DMI strings are not very specific at all, autodetection has been disabled.
The GPIO was found by roxfan and the patch tested on hardware by Gelip,

Corresponding to flashrom svn r1762.
Signed-off-by: default avatarStefan Tauner <>
Acked-by: default avatarStefan Tauner <>
parent 92d6a861
......@@ -2266,13 +2266,13 @@ static int p2_whitelist_laptop(void)
* NOTE: Please add boards that _don't_ need such enables or don't work yet
* to the respective tables in print.c. Thanks!
* We use 2 sets of IDs here, you're free to choose which is which. This
* We use 2 sets of PCI IDs here, you're free to choose which is which. This
* is to provide a very high degree of certainty when matching a board on
* the basis of subsystem/card IDs. As not every vendor handles
* subsystem/card IDs in a sane manner.
* Keep the second set NULLed if it should be ignored. Keep the subsystem IDs
* NULLed if they don't identify the board fully and if you can't use DMI.
* and the dmi identifier NULLed if they don't identify the board fully to disable autodetection.
* But please take care to provide an as complete set of pci ids as possible;
* autodetection is the preferred behaviour and we would like to make sure that
* matches are unique.
......@@ -2306,6 +2306,7 @@ const struct board_match board_matches[] = {
#if defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__)
{0x10DE, 0x0547, 0x147B, 0x1C2F, 0x10DE, 0x0548, 0x147B, 0x1C2F, NULL, NULL, NULL, P3, "abit", "AN-M2", 0, NT, nvidia_mcp_gpio2_raise},
{0x1106, 0x0282, 0x147B, 0x1415, 0x1106, 0x3227, 0x147B, 0x1415, "^AV8 ", NULL, NULL, P3, "abit", "AV8", 0, OK, board_abit_av8},
{0x8086, 0x7190, 0, 0, 0x8086, 0x7110, 0, 0, NULL /* "^I440BX-W977$" */, "abit", "bf6", P3, "abit", "BF6", 0, OK, intel_piix4_gpo26_lower},
{0x8086, 0x7190, 0, 0, 0x8086, 0x7110, 0, 0, "^i440BX-W977 (BM6)$", NULL, NULL, P3, "abit", "BM6", 0, OK, intel_piix4_gpo26_lower},
{0x8086, 0x24d3, 0x147b, 0x1014, 0x8086, 0x2578, 0x147b, 0x1014, NULL, NULL, NULL, P3, "abit", "IC7", 0, NT, intel_ich_gpio23_raise},
{0x8086, 0x2930, 0x147b, 0x1084, 0x11ab, 0x4364, 0x147b, 0x1084, NULL, NULL, NULL, P3, "abit", "IP35", 0, OK, intel_ich_gpio16_raise},
......@@ -530,6 +530,7 @@ const struct board_info boards_known[] = {
B("abit", "AN-M2", OK, NULL, NULL),
B("abit", "AV8", OK, NULL, NULL),
B("abit", "AX8", OK, NULL, NULL),
B("abit", "BF6", OK, NULL, NULL),
B("abit", "BM6", OK, NULL, NULL),
B("abit", "Fatal1ty F-I90HD", OK, NULL, NULL),
B("abit", "IC7", OK, NULL, NULL),
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