• Stefan Tauner's avatar
    Ensure DMI strings used in dmi_compare() are not NULL · d1045d8b
    Stefan Tauner authored
    Previously the external DMI decoder did not allow this to happen because
    all possible pointers were initialized at startup by the output of
    'dmidecode -s ...' which has default values for all supported types.
    The now active internal DMI decoder does work differently: it scans the
    complete DMI table once and copies the available strings. Therefore, strings
    that are not set by the firmware are left at their default value of NULL.
    A segfault would arise if the following conditions are all true:
     - the firmware sets up a DMI/SMBIOS table which has at least a correct
       checksum, and
     - that table does *not* define at least one of the DMI strings we use
       for matching (as defined by dmi_strings[] in dmi.c), and
     - there exists a board enable whose PCI IDs are matched by the board,
       and which has a DMI string set that ends with a $ anchor, and
     - the user calls the internal programmer of flashrom without the
       optional mainboard parameter.
    This was first observed by Gelip on an abit BF6 using the coreboot port
    for the abit BE6-II V2.0.
    The segfault was reproduced by Idwer Vollering on an ASUS F2A85-M with
    overwritten and a forged board enable matching his board.
    Idwer also verified that this patch fixes the problem, thanks a lot!
    Corresponding to flashrom svn r1763.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarStefan Tauner <stefan.tauner@alumni.tuwien.ac.at>
    Acked-by: default avatarStefan Tauner <stefan.tauner@alumni.tuwien.ac.at>
dmi.c 12.1 KB