• Peter Stuge's avatar
    Force read unknown flash chips · 7ffbc6f9
    Peter Stuge authored
    When flash chip detection fails, it is still useful and possible to read the
    flash chip contents. If no flash chip is found in normal probes and the
    -f -r -c CHIPNAME options are given, a successful probe for the specified
    chip is forced, and then flashrom reads the flash chip using either the read
    function for the specified chip, or if there is none, a simple memcpy().
    The patch also moves the global variable int force in flashrom.c into main()
    and passes it as a parameter to layout.c:show_id(), which was the only other
    function that used the variable. This is needed to avoid confusion with the
    new parameter int force which is added to flashrom.c:probe_flash() and used
    to force probe success for the chip named in char *chip_to_probe.
    Corresponding to flashrom svn r259 and coreboot v2 svn r3367.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarPeter Stuge <peter@stuge.se>
    Acked-by: default avatarWard Vandewege <ward@gnu.org>
layout.c 5.23 KB