• Michael Karcher's avatar
    Matching board via DMI · 6701ee83
    Michael Karcher authored
    If a board is not uniquely identifiable by PCI device/subsystem IDs, a
    string can be specified to be looked for (case-sensitive, substring or
    anchored) for now in one of the following DMI items in addition to matching
    the PCI IDs:
     - System Manufacturer
     - System Product Name
     - System Version
     - Baseboard Manufacturer
     - Baseboard Product Name
     - Baseboard Version
    Strings are anchored re-like (^ at the beginning, $ at the end), but
    there are no plans to support full regular expressions and matched to any
    of the mentioned fields.
    The match is only made if DMI info is available and the string matches.
    If no DMI info is available and the PCI IDs match, a warning is printed
    as the board can not be autodetected.
    It's still open to discussion whether we add an DMI override switch to
    specify a string that will definitely match, and whether this switch is
    only used if no DMI is available or whether it overrides or augments DMI
    DMI data is currently read using dmidecode. This tool is available for
    all major platforms except MacOS X. I heard that there also is a MacOS X
    version of dmidecode, but didn't investigate that.
    Corresponding to flashrom svn r874.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarMichael Karcher <flashrom@mkarcher.dialup.fu-berlin.de>
    Acked-by: default avatarLuc Verhaegen <libv@skynet.be>
    Acked-by: default avatarCarl-Daniel Hailfinger <c-d.hailfinger.devel.2006@gmx.net>
Makefile 10.1 KB