• Michael Karcher's avatar
    Use common jedec functionality where appropriate · 1c296ca8
    Michael Karcher authored
    The deleted function in en29f002a.c is reintroduced as
    write_by_byte_jedec in jedec.c as it contains no chip-specific
    instructions. It is not yet used in other chip drivers, as key addresses
    (0x2AAA/0x5555) are often specified with less bits. After crosschecking
    datasheets, most of the fixmes can probably be resolved as indicated in
    them, causing significant code reduction.
    The common JEDEC code for bytewise programming does not program 0xFF
    at all. The chips that had a dedicated bytewise flash function which
    has been changed to write_jedec_1 thus changed flashing behaviour
    and the "write" test flag has been removed. This applies to: AMD
    Am29F002BB/Am29F002NBB AMD Am29F002BT/Am29F002NBT (TEST_OK_PREW before)
    AMIC A29002B AMIC A29002T (TEST_OK_PREW before) EON EN29F002(A)(N)B EON
    EN29F002(A)(N)T (TEST_OK_PREW before) Macronix MX29F001B (TEST_OK_PREW
    before) Macronix MX29F001T (TEST_OK_PREW before) Macronix MX29F002B
    Macronix MX29F002T (TEST_OK_PREW before) ...
pm29f002.c 1.67 KB