Commit be694e8a authored by Lukas Jungmann's avatar Lukas Jungmann
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Update appendix H

Signed-off-by: default avatarLukas Jungmann <>
parent b7580fd8
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
== [[a5110]]Enhanced Binary Data Handling
== Enhanced Binary Data Handling
=== Overview
......@@ -17,177 +17,169 @@ integrated, cooperative implementation of these standards between a
MIME-based package processor and the JAXB 2.0 unmarshal/marshal
processes. An enhanced binding of MIME content to Java representation is
specified in link:jaxb.html#a5113[See Binding MIME Binary
=== [[a5113]]Binding MIME Binary Data
=== Binding MIME Binary Data
=== Binary Data Schema Annotation
==== Binary Data Schema Annotation
As specified in [MIME], the XML Schema
annotation attribute, _xmime:expectedContentTypes_ , lists the expected
annotation attribute, `xmime:expectedContentTypes`, lists the expected
MIME content-type(s) for element content whose type derives from the xsd
binary datatypes, _xs:base64Binary_ or x _s:hexBinary_ .
binary datatypes, `xs:base64Binary` or `xs:hexBinary`.
JAXB 2.0 databinding recognizes this schema
constraint to improve the binding of MIME type constrained binary data
to Java representation. The _xmime:expectedContentType_ attribute is
to Java representation. The `xmime:expectedContentType` attribute is
allowed on type definitions deriving from binary datatypes and on
element declarations with types that derive from binary datatypes. For
JAXB 2.0 binding purposes, the schema annotation,
_xmime:expectedContentTypes_ is evaluated for binding purposes for all
`xmime:expectedContentTypes` is evaluated for binding purposes for all
cases EXCEPT when the annotation is on an element declaration with a
named complex type definition. For that case, the
_xmime:expectedContentTypes_ annotation must be located directly within
`xmime:expectedContentTypes` annotation must be located directly within
the scope of the complex type definition in order to impact the binding
of the complex type definition’s simple binary content.
=== Binding Known Media Type
===== Binding Known Media Type
When _@xmime:expectedContentTypes_ schema
When `@xmime:expectedContentTypes` schema
annotation only refers to one MIME type, it is considered a known media
type for the binary data. [MIME] does not require an _xmime:contentType_
type for the binary data. [MIME] does not require an `xmime:contentType`
attribute to hold the dynamic mime type for the binary data for this
case. JAXB binding can achieve an optimal binding for this case. The
default MIME type to Java datatype are in
link:jaxb.html#a5119[See Default Binding for Known Media Type].
=== [[a5119]]Default Binding for Known Media Type
.Default Binding for Known Media Type
|MIME Type |Java
|text/xml or application/xml
| _any other MIME types_
| MIME Type | Java Type
| `image/gif` | `java.awt.Image`
| `image/jpeg` | `java.awt.Image`
| `text/xml` or `application/xml` | `javax.xml.transform.Source`
| `_any other MIME types_` | `jakarta.activation.DataHandler`
A JAXB program annotation element,
_@XmlMimeType_ , is generated to preserve the known media type for use
`@XmlMimeType`, is generated to preserve the known media type for use
at marshal time.
=== schema with a known media type
<?xml version="1.0" ?> +
<xs:schema xmlns:xs="" +
xmlns:tns="" +
| xmlns:xmime=""
.schema with a known media type
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<xs:schema xmlns:xs=""
<xs:import namespace=""
<xs:element name="JPEGPicture"
type="xs:base64binary" +
xmime:expectedContentTypes="image/jpeg"/> +
=== JAXB 2.0 binding of Example 9-1
import java.awt.Image; +
@XmlRegistry +
class ObjectFactory \{ +
@XmlElementDecl(...) +
JAXBELement<Image> createJPEGPicture(Image
value); +
.JAXB 2.0 binding of Example 8-1
import java.awt.Image;
class ObjectFactory {
JAXBELement<Image> createJPEGPicture(Image value);
The _@XmlMimeType_ annotation provides the
The `@XmlMimeType` annotation provides the
MIME content type needed by JAXB 2.0 Marshaller to specify the mime type
to set _DataHandler.setContentType(String)_ .
=== [[a5140]]Schema for local element declaration annotated with known media type
<?xml version="1.0" ?> +
<xs:schema xmlns:xs="" +
xmlns:tns="" +
xmlns:xmime="" +
targetNamespace=""> +
<xs:import namespace="" +
schemaLocation=""/> +
<xs:complexType name="Item"> +
<xs:sequence> +
<xs:element name="JPEGPicture" +
type="xs:base64Binary" +
xmime:expectedContentTypes="image/jpeg"/> +
</xs:sequence> +
</xs:complexType> +
to set `DataHandler.setContentType(String)`.
.Schema for local element declaration annotated with known media type
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<xs:schema xmlns:xs=""
<xs:import namespace=""
<xs:complexType name="Item">
<xs:element name="JPEGPicture"
=== Java Binding of link:jaxb.html#a5140[See Schema for local element declaration annotated with known media type]“
import java.awt.Image; +
public class Item \{ +
@XmlMimeType("image/jpeg") +
Image getJPEGPicture(); +
void setJPEGPicture(Image value); +
.Java Binding of link:jaxb.html#a5140[See Schema for local element declaration annotated with known media type]“
import java.awt.Image;
public class Item {
Image getJPEGPicture();
void setJPEGPicture(Image value);
=== Binding Preferred Media Types
===== Binding Preferred Media Types
If there are more than one mime type listed
in _xmime:expectedContentTypes_ or if there is one with a wildcard in
in `xmime:expectedContentTypes` or if there is one with a wildcard in
it, the annotation specifies the Preferred Media Types and recommends
that the binary data be simple content that has an attribute
_xmime:contentType_ that specifies which of the
_xmime:expectedContentTypes_ the binary data represents.
`xmime:contentType` that specifies which of the
`xmime:expectedContentTypes` the binary data represents.
Given that the exact media type is not known
for this case, a Preferred Media Type binds to
_javax.activation.DataHandler_ . _DataHandler_ has a property
_get/setContentType_ that should be kept synchronized with the value of
the JAXB binding for the _xmime:contentType_ attribute.
`jakarta.activation.DataHandler`. `DataHandler` has a property
`get/setContentType` that should be kept synchronized with the value of
the JAXB binding for the `xmime:contentType` attribute.
=== [[a5147]]Binding WS-I Attachment Profile _ref:swaRef_
==== Binding WS-I Attachment Profile `ref:swaRef`
An XML element or attribute with a type
definition of _ref:swaRef_ is bound to a JAXB property with base type of
_javax.activation.DataHandler_ and annotated with _@XmlAttachmentRef_ .
definition of `ref:swaRef` is bound to a JAXB property with base type of
`jakarta.activation.DataHandler` and annotated with `@XmlAttachmentRef`.
=== [[a5149]]jakarta.xml.bind.attachments
=== jakarta.xml.bind.attachments
The abstract classes _AttachmentUnmarshaller_
and _AttachmentMarshaller_ in package _jakarta.xml.bind.attachments_ are
The abstract classes `AttachmentUnmarshaller`
and `AttachmentMarshaller` in package `jakarta.xml.bind.attachments` are
intended to be implemented by a MIME-based package processor, such as
JAX-WS 2.0 implementation, and are called during JAXB unmarshal/marshal.
The JAXB unmarshal/marshal processes the root part of a MIME-based
package, delegating knowledge of the overall package and its other parts
to the _Attachment*_ class implementations.
to the `Attachment*` class implementations.
=== AttachmentUnmarshaller
==== AttachmentUnmarshaller
An implementation of this abstract class by a
MIME-based package processor provides access to package-level
information that is outside the scope of the JAXB unmarshal process. A
MIME-based package processor registers its processing context with a
JAXB 2.0 processor using the method
_setAttachmentUnmarshaller(AttachmentUnmarshaller)_ of
_jakarta.xml.bind.Unmarshaller_ .
`setAttachmentUnmarshaller(AttachmentUnmarshaller)` of
Interactions between the Unmarshaller and the
abstract class are summarized below. The javadoc specifies the details.
public abstract class AttachmentUnmarshaller
\{ +
public boolean isXOPPackage(); +
public abstract DataHandler getAttachmentAsDataHandler(String cid); +
public abstract byte[] getAttachmentAsByteArray(String cid); +
public abstract class AttachmentUnmarshaller {
public boolean isXOPPackage();
public abstract DataHandler getAttachmentAsDataHandler(String cid);
public abstract byte[] getAttachmentAsByteArray(String cid);
The JAXB unmarshal process communicates with
a MIME-based package processor via an instance of AttachmentUnmarshaller
......@@ -196,58 +188,59 @@ marshal/unmarshalling of optimized binary content.] summarizes this
* MTOM/XOP processing during unmarshal: +
When _isXOPPackage()_ returns true, the unmarshaller replaces each XOP
When `isXOPPackage()` returns true, the unmarshaller replaces each XOP
include element it encounters with MIME content returned by the
appropriate _getAttachment*()_ method.
appropriate `getAttachment*()` method.
* WS-I AP processing: +
Each element or attribute of type definition _ref:swaRef_ , a content-id
Each element or attribute of type definition `ref:swaRef`, a content-id
uri reference to binary data, is resolved by the unmarshal process by a
call to the appropriate _getAttachment*()_ method.
call to the appropriate `getAttachment*()` method.
=== AttachmentMarshaller
==== AttachmentMarshaller
An _AttachmentMarshaller_ instance is
registered with a _jakarta.xml.bind.Marshaller_ instance using the method
_Marshaller.setAttachmentMarshaller()_ .
An `AttachmentMarshaller` instance is
registered with a `jakarta.xml.bind.Marshaller` instance using the method
Interactions between the Marshaller and the
abstract class is summarized below. See the javadoc for details.
public abstract class AttachmentMarshaller
\{ +
public boolean isXOPPackage(); +
public abstract String +
addMtomAttachment(DataHandler data, +
String elementNamespace, +
String elementLocalName); +
public abstract String +
addMtomAttachment(byte[] data, +
String elementNamespace, +
String elementLocalName); +
public abstract String addSwaRefAttachment(DataHandler data); +
public abstract class AttachmentMarshaller {
public boolean isXOPPackage();
public abstract String addMtomAttachment(
DataHandler data,
String elementNamespace,
String elementLocalName);
public abstract String addMtomAttachment(
byte[] data,
String elementNamespace,
String elementLocalName);
public abstract String addSwaRefAttachment(DataHandler data);
When an AttachmentMarshaller instance is
registered with the Marshaller, the following processing takes place.
* MTOM/XOP processing: +
When _isXOPPackage_ () is true and a JAXB property representing binary
data is being marshalled, the method _addMtomAttachment_ (...) is called
When `isXOPPackage()` is true and a JAXB property representing binary
data is being marshalled, the method `addMtomAttachment(..)` is called
to provide the MIME-based package processor the opportunity to decide to
optimize or inline the binary data. +
optimize or inline the binary data.
Note that the schema customization specified in
link:jaxb.html#a2193[See <inlineBinaryData> Declaration]can be
link:jaxb.html#a2193[See <inlineBinaryData> Declaration] can be
used to declaratively disable XOP processing for binary data.
* WS-I AP processing: +
The _addSwaRefAttachment_ method is called when marshalling content
represented by a _ref:swaRef_ type definition. +
The `addSwaRefAttachment` method is called when marshalling content
represented by a `ref:swaRef` type definition.
One can declaratively customize swaRef processing within a schema using
schema customization @attachmentRef of <jaxb:property>, specified in
link:jaxb.html#a1786[See Usage]“.
=== [[a5165]]JAXB marshal/unmarshalling of optimized binary content.
.JAXB marshal/unmarshalling of optimized binary content.
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