thantheproperty's default base type. The name attribute value must be
a fully qualified Java class name. Additionally, this Java class must be
a super interface/class or subclass of the default Java base type for
the property. When the default base type is a primitive type, consider
the default Java base type to be the Java wrapper class of that
primitive type.This customization is useful to enable simple type
substitution for a JAXB property representing with too restrictive of a
default base type. It also can be used to provide stronger typing for
the binding of an element/attribute of type xs:IDREF._
<xs:attribute name = "name" type = "jaxb:javaIdentifierType">
The name attribute for [baseType] enables more precise control over the actual base type for a JAXB property. This customization enables specifying a more general base type than the property's default base type. The name attribute value must be a fully qualified Java class name. Additionally, this Java class must be a super interface/class of the default Java base type for the property. When the default base type is a primitive type, consider the default Java base type to be the Java wrapper class of that primitive type.This customization is useful to enable simple type substitution for a JAXB property representing with too restrictive of a default base type.
<xs:complexType name = "packageType">
<xs:complexType name = "packageType">
<xs:element name = "javadoc" type =
"xs:string" minOccurs = "0"/>
<xs:element name = "javadoc" type = "xs:string" minOccurs = "0"/>
<xs:attribute name = "name" type =
<xs:attribute name = "name" type = "jaxb:javaIdentifierType"/>
<xs:simpleType name =
_<xs:documentation> +
Treate underscore in XML Name to Java identifier mapping. +
<xs:simpleType name = "underscoreBindingType">
<xs:documentation>Treate underscore in XML Name to Java identifier mapping.</xs:documentation>
<xs:restriction base = "xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value = "asWordSeparator"/>
<xs:enumeration value = "asCharInWord"/>
<xs:simpleType name =
_<xs:documentation> +
XML types or types derived from them which have enumeration facet(s)
which are be mapped to typesafeEnumClass by default. The following types
cannot be specified in this list: "xsd:QName", "xsd:base64Binary",