

 - git
 - g++
 - make
 - libtool
 - pkg-config >= 0.22
 - cmake >= 2.6
 - libglib >= 2.28.0
 - Qt >= 4.5
 - libboost >= 1.42 (including the following libs):
    - libboost-system
    - libboost-thread
 - libsigrok4DSL >= 0.2.0

Building and installing
Get the DSView source code from: www.dreamsourcelab.com/download.html
In order to build it, run:

 $ cd DSView
 $ cmake .
 $ make

For installing PulseView:

 $ make install

See the following wiki page for more (OS-specific) instructions:


Creating a source distribution package

In order to build a source package begin with an unconfigured source tree.

 $ mkdir dist
 $ cd dist
 $ cmake ..
 $ make package_source