================================================================================= VERSION 126.0.6478.57 ================================================================================= APPLICATION export QUILT_PATCHES=patches export QUILT_REFRESH_ARGS="-p ab --no-timestamps --no-index" quilt push -a ================================================================================= NOTE The Ungoogled patches are modified to apply to a stock Debian Chromium tree, without any other Ungoogled patches applied. Typically, this means that the following patches must be removed from the Debian patch series and reverted from the source tree before this repository can be used: * ungoogled/disable-privacy-sandbox.patch Be aware that since Debian already carries cookie deactivation patches the associated patch in the Ungoogled tree has also been removed. If you are considering applying this Ungoogled patch series to a non-Debian Chromium tree, it may be a good idea to use the upstream Ungoogled patch series as a starting point instead of this patch series. If building a Debian package, the following options will need to be set in the debian/rules file: * safe_browsing_mode=0 * build_with_tflite_lib=false