/* DEC Alpha division and remainder support. Copyright (C) 1994, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. In addition to the permissions in the GNU General Public License, the Free Software Foundation gives you unlimited permission to link the compiled version of this file into combinations with other programs, and to distribute those combinations without any restriction coming from the use of this file. (The General Public License restrictions do apply in other respects; for example, they cover modification of the file, and distribution when not linked into a combine executable.) This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ /* This had to be written in assembler because the division functions use a non-standard calling convention. This file provides an implementation of __divqu, __divq, __divlu, __divl, __remqu, __remq, __remlu and __reml. CPP macros control the exact operation. Operation performed: $27 := $24 o $25, clobber $28, return address to caller in $23, where o one of the operations. The following macros need to be defined: SIZE, the number of bits, 32 or 64. TYPE, either UNSIGNED or SIGNED OPERATION, either DIVISION or REMAINDER SPECIAL_CALLING_CONVENTION, 0 or 1. It is useful for debugging to define this to 0. That removes the `__' prefix to make the function name not collide with the existing libc.a names, and uses the standard Alpha procedure calling convention. */ #ifndef SPECIAL_CALLING_CONVENTION #define SPECIAL_CALLING_CONVENTION 1 #endif #ifdef L_divl #if SPECIAL_CALLING_CONVENTION #define FUNCTION_NAME __divl #else #define FUNCTION_NAME divl #endif #define SIZE 32 #define TYPE SIGNED #define OPERATION DIVISION #endif #ifdef L_divlu #if SPECIAL_CALLING_CONVENTION #define FUNCTION_NAME __divlu #else #define FUNCTION_NAME divlu #endif #define SIZE 32 #define TYPE UNSIGNED #define OPERATION DIVISION #endif #ifdef L_divq #if SPECIAL_CALLING_CONVENTION #define FUNCTION_NAME __divq #else #define FUNCTION_NAME divq #endif #define SIZE 64 #define TYPE SIGNED #define OPERATION DIVISION #endif #ifdef L_divqu #if SPECIAL_CALLING_CONVENTION #define FUNCTION_NAME __divqu #else #define FUNCTION_NAME divqu #endif #define SIZE 64 #define TYPE UNSIGNED #define OPERATION DIVISION #endif #ifdef L_reml #if SPECIAL_CALLING_CONVENTION #define FUNCTION_NAME __reml #else #define FUNCTION_NAME reml #endif #define SIZE 32 #define TYPE SIGNED #define OPERATION REMAINDER #endif #ifdef L_remlu #if SPECIAL_CALLING_CONVENTION #define FUNCTION_NAME __remlu #else #define FUNCTION_NAME remlu #endif #define SIZE 32 #define TYPE UNSIGNED #define OPERATION REMAINDER #endif #ifdef L_remq #if SPECIAL_CALLING_CONVENTION #define FUNCTION_NAME __remq #else #define FUNCTION_NAME remq #endif #define SIZE 64 #define TYPE SIGNED #define OPERATION REMAINDER #endif #ifdef L_remqu #if SPECIAL_CALLING_CONVENTION #define FUNCTION_NAME __remqu #else #define FUNCTION_NAME remqu #endif #define SIZE 64 #define TYPE UNSIGNED #define OPERATION REMAINDER #endif #define tmp0 $3 #define tmp1 $28 #define cnt $1 #define result_sign $2 #if SPECIAL_CALLING_CONVENTION #define N $24 #define D $25 #define Q RETREG #define RETREG $27 #else #define N $16 #define D $17 #define Q RETREG #define RETREG $0 #endif /* Misc symbols to make alpha assembler easier to read. */ #define zero $31 #define sp $30 /* Symbols to make interface nicer. */ #define UNSIGNED 0 #define SIGNED 1 #define DIVISION 0 #define REMAINDER 1 .set noreorder .set noat .text .align 3 .globl FUNCTION_NAME .ent FUNCTION_NAME FUNCTION_NAME: .frame $30,0,$26,0 .prologue 0 /* Under the special calling convention, we have to preserve all register values but $23 and $28. */ #if SPECIAL_CALLING_CONVENTION lda sp,-64(sp) #if OPERATION == DIVISION stq N,0(sp) #endif stq D,8(sp) stq cnt,16(sp) stq result_sign,24(sp) stq tmp0,32(sp) #endif /* If we are computing the remainder, move N to the register that is used for the return value, and redefine what register is used for N. */ #if OPERATION == REMAINDER bis N,N,RETREG #undef N #define N RETREG #endif /* Perform conversion from 32-bit types to 64-bit types. */ #if SIZE == 32 #if TYPE == SIGNED /* If there are problems with the signed case, add these instructions. The caller should already have done this. addl N,0,N # sign extend N addl D,0,D # sign extend D */ #else /* UNSIGNED */ zap N,0xf0,N # zero extend N (caller required to sign extend) zap D,0xf0,D # zero extend D #endif #endif /* Check for divide by zero. */ bne D,$34 lda $16,-2(zero) call_pal 0xaa $34: #if TYPE == SIGNED #if OPERATION == DIVISION xor N,D,result_sign #else bis N,N,result_sign #endif /* Get the absolute values of N and D. */ subq zero,N,tmp0 cmovlt N,tmp0,N subq zero,D,tmp0 cmovlt D,tmp0,D #endif /* Compute CNT = ceil(log2(N)) - ceil(log2(D)). This is the number of divide iterations we will have to perform. Should you wish to optimize this, check a few bits at a time, preferably using zap/zapnot. Be careful though, this code runs fast fro the most common cases, when the quotient is small. */ bge N,$35 bis zero,1,cnt blt D,$40 .align 3 $39: addq D,D,D addl cnt,1,cnt bge D,$39 br zero,$40 $35: cmpult N,D,tmp0 bis zero,zero,cnt bne tmp0,$42 .align 3 $44: addq D,D,D cmpult N,D,tmp0 addl cnt,1,cnt beq tmp0,$44 $42: srl D,1,D $40: subl cnt,1,cnt /* Actual divide. Could be optimized with unrolling. */ #if OPERATION == DIVISION bis zero,zero,Q #endif blt cnt,$46 .align 3 $49: cmpule D,N,tmp1 subq N,D,tmp0 srl D,1,D subl cnt,1,cnt cmovne tmp1,tmp0,N #if OPERATION == DIVISION addq Q,Q,Q bis Q,tmp1,Q #endif bge cnt,$49 $46: /* The result is now in RETREG. NOTE! It was written to RETREG using either N or Q as a synonym! */ /* Change the sign of the result as needed. */ #if TYPE == SIGNED subq zero,RETREG,tmp0 cmovlt result_sign,tmp0,RETREG #endif /* Restore clobbered registers. */ #if SPECIAL_CALLING_CONVENTION #if OPERATION == DIVISION ldq N,0(sp) #endif ldq D,8(sp) ldq cnt,16(sp) ldq result_sign,24(sp) ldq tmp0,32(sp) lda sp,64(sp) #endif /* Sign extend an *unsigned* 32-bit result, as required by the Alpha conventions. */ #if TYPE == UNSIGNED && SIZE == 32 /* This could be avoided by adding some CPP hair to the divide loop. It is probably not worth the added complexity. */ addl RETREG,0,RETREG #endif #if SPECIAL_CALLING_CONVENTION ret zero,($23),1 #else ret zero,($26),1 #endif .end FUNCTION_NAME