flashrom README

flashrom is a utility for detecting, reading, writing, verifying and erasing
flash chips. It is often used to flash BIOS/EFI/coreboot/firmware images
in-system using a supported mainboard, but it also supports flashing of network
cards (NICs), SATA controller cards, and other external devices which can
program flash chips.

It supports a wide range of DIP32, PLCC32, DIP8, SO8/SOIC8, TSOP32, and TSOP40
chips, which use various protocols such as LPC, FWH, parallel flash, or SPI.

Please see the flashrom(8) manpage.


To package flashrom and remove dependencies on subversion, either use
make export
make tarball

make export will export all flashrom files from the subversion repository at
revision BASE into a directory named $EXPORTDIR/flashrom-$VERSION-r$SVNREVISION
and will additionally modify the Makefile in that directory to contain the svn
revision of the exported tree.

make tarball will simply tar up the result of make export and gzip compress it.

The snapshot tarballs are the result of make tarball and require no further

Build Instructions

To build flashrom you need to install the following packages or ports:

Linux et al:

 * pciutils / libpci
 * pciutils-devel / pciutils-dev / libpci-dev
 * zlib-devel / zlib1g-dev (needed if libpci was compiled with libz support)

On FreeBSD, you need the following ports:

 * devel/gmake
 * devel/libpci

To compile on Linux, use:


To compile on FreeBSD, use:


To compile on Nexenta, use:


To compile on Solaris, use:

 gmake LDFLAGS="-L$pathtolibpci" CC="gcc -I$pathtopciheaders" CFLAGS=-O2

To compile on NetBSD or DragonFly BSD, use:

 ln -s /usr/pkg/include/pciutils pci
 gmake CPPFLAGS=-I. LDFLAGS="-L/usr/pkg/lib -Wl,-rpath-link,/usr/pkg/lib"

To compile and run on Darwin/Mac OS X:

 Install DirectIO from coresystems GmbH.
 DirectIO is available at http://www.coresystems.de/en/directio.

To cross-compile on Linux for DOS:

 Get RPMs of the cross compiler from the DJGPP site and install them:
 Download pciutils 3.1.5 and apply http://assembler.cz/flashrom/pciutils.patch
 Download and compile http://assembler.cz/flashrom/libgetopt/
 Compile pciutils, see README.DJGPP for instructions.
 Enter the flashrom directory.
 ../libpci should contain pciutils source and binaries.
 ../libgetopt should contain getopt.a from libgetopt.
 Run either (change settings where appropriate)
 make CC=i586-pc-msdosdjgpp-gcc STRIP=i586-pc-msdosdjgpp-strip OS_ARCH=DOS
 or (above settings hardcoded)
 make djgpp-dos
 You might have to add WARNERROR=no to the make command line.
 To run flashrom.exe, download http://clio.rice.edu/djgpp/csdpmi7b.zip and
 make sure CWSDPMI.EXE is in the current directory.


In order to install flashrom and the manpage into /usr/local, type:

 make install

For installation in a different directory use DESTDIR, e.g. like this:

 make DESTDIR=/usr install

If you have insufficient permissions for the destination directory, use sudo
by adding sudo in front of the commands above.


The official flashrom website is:


The IRC channel is

  #flashrom at irc.freenode.net

The Mailing list addess is
