flashrom README

flashrom is a utility for reading, writing, verifying and erasing flash ROM
chips. It's often used to flash BIOS/EFI/coreboot/firmware images in-system
using a supported mainboard, but it also supports flashing of network
cards (NICs), SATA controller cards, and other external devices which can
program flash chips.

It supports a wide range of DIP32, PLCC32, DIP8, SO8/SOIC8, TSOP32, and
TSOP40 chips, which use various protocols such as LPC, FWH, parallel flash,
or SPI.

(see http://coreboot.org for details on coreboot)

Build Requirements

To build flashrom you need to install the following packages or ports:

Linux et al:

 * pciutils
 * pciutils-devel / pciutils-dev / libpci-dev
 * zlib-devel / zlib1g-dev

On FreeBSD, you need the following ports:

 * devel/gmake
 * devel/libpci

To compile on Linux, use:


To compile on FreeBSD, use:


To compile on Solaris, use:

 gmake LDFLAGS="-L$pathtolibpci -lpci -lz" CC="gcc -I$pathtopciheaders" \

To compile on DragonFly BSD, use:

 ln -s /usr/pkg/include/pciutils pci
 gmake CFLAGS=-I. LDFLAGS="-L/usr/pkg/lib -lpci -lz"

To compile and run on Darwin/Mac OS X:

 Install DirectIO from coresystems GmbH.
 DirectIO is available at http://www.coresystems.de/en/directio.

Usage / Options

Please see the flashrom(8) manpage.

Exit status

Please see the flashrom(8) manpage.

coreboot Table and Mainboard Identification

Please see the flashrom(8) manpage.

ROM Layout Support

Please see the flashrom(8) manpage.

Supported Flash Chips / Chipsets / Mainboards

Please check the output of 'flashrom -L' for the list of supported
flash chips, chipsets/southbridges, mainboards, and flash programmers.


The official flashrom website is:
