Commit cb3eb051 authored by Carl-Daniel Hailfinger's avatar Carl-Daniel Hailfinger
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Add list with DMI chassis types

Half a dozen hardcoded strcmp() don't make sense if we need a
chassis-type list anyway once we merge the internal DMI decoder. Provide
and array of the most interesting chassis types and annotate them with
laptop/non-laptop status. Match the dmidecode chassis type against the
strings in the array.

Corresponding to flashrom svn r1182.
Signed-off-by: default avatarCarl-Daniel Hailfinger <>
Acked-by: default avatarSean Nelson <>
parent ed7a9647
......@@ -54,6 +54,26 @@ static const char *dmidecode_names[] = {
/* A full list of chassis types can be found in the System Management BIOS
* (SMBIOS) Reference Specification 2.7.0 section 7.4.1 "Chassis Types" at
* The types below are the most common ones.
static const struct {
unsigned char type;
unsigned char is_laptop;
const char *name;
} dmi_chassis_types[] = {
{0x01, 0, "Other"},
{0x02, 0, "Unknown"},
{0x03, 0, "Desktop",},
{0x08, 1, "Portable"},
{0x09, 1, "Laptop"},
{0x0a, 1, "Notebook"},
{0x0b, 1, "Hand Held"},
{0x0e, 1, "Sub Notebook"},
static const char *dmidecode_command = "dmidecode";
......@@ -132,11 +152,16 @@ void dmi_init(void)
chassis_type = get_dmi_string("chassis-type");
if (chassis_type && (!strcmp(chassis_type, "Notebook") ||
!strcmp(chassis_type, "Portable"))) {
if (chassis_type) {
for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(dmi_chassis_types); i++) {
if (!strcasecmp(chassis_type,
dmi_chassis_types[i].name) &&
dmi_chassis_types[i].is_laptop) {
msg_pdbg("Laptop detected via DMI\n");
is_laptop = 1;
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