From 9982aefc8735f9bad10af463b01ac6ccfa0e2bd1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Stephan Guilloux <>
Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2009 00:48:24 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Use designated initializers for the board enable table

Similarly to flashchips array, this patch intends to make the table board_pciid_enables more readable.

Corresponding to flashrom svn r382 and coreboot v2 svn r3861.

Signed-off-by: Stephan Guilloux <>

> What real problem does this solve?

1. Next time someone adds a new struct member, we avoid mistakes of
ordering of initializers
2. we avoid mistakes in the first place.

The .x = y stuff was added for a (good) reason, I think this is an
Acked-by: Ronald G. Minnich <>
Acked-by: Carl-Daniel Hailfinger <>
 board_enable.c | 413 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
 1 file changed, 362 insertions(+), 51 deletions(-)

diff --git a/board_enable.c b/board_enable.c
index 2ea1dd9..9c2aa32 100644
--- a/board_enable.c
+++ b/board_enable.c
@@ -626,58 +626,369 @@ struct board_pciid_enable {
 struct board_pciid_enable board_pciid_enables[] = {
-	{0x1106, 0x0571, 0x1462, 0x7120, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000,
-	 "msi", "kt4v", "MSI KT4V", board_msi_kt4v},
-	{0x8086, 0x1a30, 0x1043, 0x8070, 0x8086, 0x244b, 0x1043, 0x8028,
-	 NULL, NULL, "ASUS P4B266", ich2_gpio22_raise},
-	{0x10de, 0x0360, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000,
-	 "gigabyte", "m57sli", "GIGABYTE GA-M57SLI-S4", it87xx_probe_spi_flash},
-	{0x10de, 0x03e0, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000,
-	 "gigabyte", "m61p", "GIGABYTE GA-M61P-S3", it87xx_probe_spi_flash},
-	{0x1002, 0x4398, 0x1458, 0x5004, 0x1002, 0x4385, 0x1458, 0x4385,
-	 NULL, NULL, "GIGABYTE GA-MA78G-DS3H", it87xx_probe_spi_flash},
-	{0x1039, 0x0761, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000,
-	 "gigabyte", "2761gxdk", "GIGABYTE GA-2761GXDK", it87xx_probe_spi_flash},
-	{0x1022, 0x7468, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000,
-	 "iwill", "dk8_htx", "IWILL DK8-HTX", w83627hf_gpio24_raise_2e},
-	{0x10de, 0x005e, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000,
-	 "msi", "k8n-neo3", "MSI K8N Neo3", w83627thf_gpio4_4_raise_4e},
-	{0x1022, 0x746B, 0x1022, 0x36C0, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000,
-	 "AGAMI", "ARUMA", "agami Aruma", w83627hf_gpio24_raise_2e},
-	{0x1106, 0x3177, 0x1106, 0xAA01, 0x1106, 0x3123, 0x1106, 0xAA01,
-	 NULL, NULL, "VIA EPIA M/MII/...", board_via_epia_m},
-	{0x1106, 0x3177, 0x1043, 0x80A1, 0x1106, 0x3205, 0x1043, 0x8118,
-	 NULL, NULL, "ASUS A7V8-MX SE", board_asus_a7v8x_mx},
-	{0x1106, 0x3227, 0x1106, 0xAA01, 0x1106, 0x0259, 0x1106, 0xAA01,
-	 NULL, NULL, "VIA EPIA SP", board_via_epia_sp},
-	{0x1106, 0x0314, 0x1106, 0xaa08, 0x1106, 0x3227, 0x1106, 0xAA08,
-	 NULL, NULL, "VIA EPIA-CN", board_via_epia_sp},
-	{0x8086, 0x1076, 0x8086, 0x1176, 0x1106, 0x3059, 0x10f1, 0x2498,
-	 NULL, NULL, "Tyan Tomcat K7M", board_asus_a7v8x_mx},
-	{0x10B9, 0x1541, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x10B9, 0x1533, 0x0000, 0x0000,
-	 "asus", "p5a", "ASUS P5A", board_asus_p5a},
-	{0x1166, 0x0205, 0x1014, 0x0347, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000,
-	 "ibm", "x3455", "IBM x3455", board_ibm_x3455},
-	{0x8086, 0x7110, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x8086, 0x7190, 0x0000, 0x0000,
-	 "epox", "ep-bx3", "EPoX EP-BX3", board_epox_ep_bx3},
-	{0x8086, 0x1130, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x105a, 0x0d30, 0x105a, 0x4d33,
-	 "acorp", "6a815epd", "Acorp 6A815EPD", board_acorp_6a815epd},
-	{0x1022, 0x2090, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x1022, 0x2080, 0x0000, 0x0000,
-	 "artecgroup", "dbe61", "Artec Group DBE61", board_artecgroup_dbe6x},
-	{0x1022, 0x2090, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x1022, 0x2080, 0x0000, 0x0000,
-	 "artecgroup", "dbe62", "Artec Group DBE62", board_artecgroup_dbe6x},
+	{
+		.first_vendor		= 0x1106,
+		.first_device		= 0x0571,
+		.first_card_vendor	= 0x1462,
+		.first_card_device	= 0x7120,
+		.second_vendor		= 0x0000,
+		.second_device		= 0x0000,
+		.second_card_vendor	= 0x0000,
+		.second_card_device	= 0x0000,
+		.lb_vendor		= "msi",
+		.lb_part		= "kt4v",
+		.name			= "MSI KT4V",
+		.enable			= board_msi_kt4v,
+	},
+	{
+		.first_vendor		= 0x8086,
+		.first_device		= 0x1a30,
+		.first_card_vendor	= 0x1043,
+		.first_card_device	= 0x8070,
+		.second_vendor		= 0x8086,
+		.second_device		= 0x244b,
+		.second_card_vendor	= 0x1043,
+		.second_card_device	= 0x8028,
+		.lb_vendor		= NULL,
+		.lb_part		= NULL,
+		.name			= "ASUS P4B266",
+		.enable			= ich2_gpio22_raise,
+	},
+	{
+		.first_vendor		= 0x10de,
+		.first_device		= 0x0360,
+		.first_card_vendor	= 0x0000,
+		.first_card_device	= 0x0000,
+		.second_vendor		= 0x0000,
+		.second_device		= 0x0000,
+		.second_card_vendor	= 0x0000,
+		.second_card_device	= 0x0000,
+		.lb_vendor		= "gigabyte",
+		.lb_part		= "m57sli",
+		.name			= "GIGABYTE GA-M57SLI-S4",
+		.enable			= it87xx_probe_spi_flash,
+	},
+	{
+		.first_vendor		= 0x10de,
+		.first_device		= 0x03e0,
+		.first_card_vendor	= 0x0000,
+		.first_card_device	= 0x0000,
+		.second_vendor		= 0x0000,
+		.second_device		= 0x0000,
+		.second_card_vendor	= 0x0000,
+		.second_card_device	= 0x0000,
+		.lb_vendor		= "gigabyte",
+		.lb_part		= "m61p",
+		.name			= "GIGABYTE GA-M61P-S3",
+		.enable			= it87xx_probe_spi_flash,
+	},
+	{
+		.first_vendor		= 0x1002,
+		.first_device		= 0x4398,
+		.first_card_vendor	= 0x1458,
+		.first_card_device	= 0x5004,
+		.second_vendor		= 0x1002,
+		.second_device		= 0x4385,
+		.second_card_vendor	= 0x1458,
+		.second_card_device	= 0x4385,
+		.lb_vendor		= NULL,
+		.lb_part		= NULL,
+		.name			= "GIGABYTE GA-MA78G-DS3H",
+		.enable			= it87xx_probe_spi_flash,
+	},
+	{
+		.first_vendor		= 0x1039,
+		.first_device		= 0x0761,
+		.first_card_vendor	= 0x0000,
+		.first_card_device	= 0x0000,
+		.second_vendor		= 0x0000,
+		.second_device		= 0x0000,
+		.second_card_vendor	= 0x0000,
+		.second_card_device	= 0x0000,
+		.lb_vendor		= "gigabyte",
+		.lb_part		= "2761gxdk",
+		.name			= "GIGABYTE GA-2761GXDK",
+		.enable			= it87xx_probe_spi_flash,
+	},
+	{
+		.first_vendor		= 0x1022,
+		.first_device		= 0x7468,
+		.first_card_vendor	= 0x0000,
+		.first_card_device	= 0x0000,
+		.second_vendor		= 0x0000,
+		.second_device		= 0x0000,
+		.second_card_vendor	= 0x0000,
+		.second_card_device	= 0x0000,
+		.lb_vendor		= "iwill",
+		.lb_part		= "dk8_htx",
+		.name			= "IWILL DK8-HTX",
+		.enable			= w83627hf_gpio24_raise_2e,
+	},
+	{
+		.first_vendor		= 0x10de,
+		.first_device		= 0x005e,
+		.first_card_vendor	= 0x0000,
+		.first_card_device	= 0x0000,
+		.second_vendor		= 0x0000,
+		.second_device		= 0x0000,
+		.second_card_vendor	= 0x0000,
+		.second_card_device	= 0x0000,
+		.lb_vendor		= "msi",
+		.lb_part		= "k8n-neo3",
+		.name			= "MSI K8N Neo3",
+		.enable			= w83627thf_gpio4_4_raise_4e,
+	},
+	{
+		.first_vendor		= 0x1022,
+		.first_device		= 0x746B,
+		.first_card_vendor	= 0x1022,
+		.first_card_device	= 0x36C0,
+		.second_vendor		= 0x0000,
+		.second_device		= 0x0000,
+		.second_card_vendor	= 0x0000,
+		.second_card_device	= 0x0000,
+		.lb_vendor		= "AGAMI",
+		.lb_part		= "ARUMA",
+		.name			= "agami Aruma",
+		.enable			= w83627hf_gpio24_raise_2e,
+	},
+	{
+		.first_vendor		= 0x1106,
+		.first_device		= 0x3177,
+		.first_card_vendor	= 0x1106,
+		.first_card_device	= 0xAA01,
+		.second_vendor		= 0x1106,
+		.second_device		= 0x3123,
+		.second_card_vendor	= 0x1106,
+		.second_card_device	= 0xAA01,
+		.lb_vendor		= NULL,
+		.lb_part		= NULL,
+		.name			= "VIA EPIA M/MII/...",
+		.enable			= board_via_epia_m,
+	},
+	{
+		.first_vendor		= 0x1106,
+		.first_device		= 0x3177,
+		.first_card_vendor	= 0x1043,
+		.first_card_device	= 0x80A1,
+		.second_vendor		= 0x1106,
+		.second_device		= 0x3205,
+		.second_card_vendor	= 0x1043,
+		.second_card_device	= 0x8118,
+		.lb_vendor		= NULL,
+		.lb_part		= NULL,
+		.name			= "ASUS A7V8-MX SE",
+		.enable			= board_asus_a7v8x_mx,
+	},
+	{
+		.first_vendor		= 0x1106,
+		.first_device		= 0x3227,
+		.first_card_vendor	= 0x1106,
+		.first_card_device	= 0xAA01,
+		.second_vendor		= 0x1106,
+		.second_device		= 0x0259,
+		.second_card_vendor	= 0x1106,
+		.second_card_device	= 0xAA01,
+		.lb_vendor		= NULL,
+		.lb_part		= NULL,
+		.name			= "VIA EPIA SP",
+		.enable			= board_via_epia_sp,
+	},
+	{
+		.first_vendor		= 0x1106,
+		.first_device		= 0x0314,
+		.first_card_vendor	= 0x1106,
+		.first_card_device	= 0xaa08,
+		.second_vendor		= 0x1106,
+		.second_device		= 0x3227,
+		.second_card_vendor	= 0x1106,
+		.second_card_device	= 0xAA08,
+		.lb_vendor		= NULL,
+		.lb_part		= NULL,
+		.name			= "VIA EPIA-CN",
+		.enable			= board_via_epia_sp,
+	},
+	{
+		.first_vendor		= 0x8086,
+		.first_device		= 0x1076,
+		.first_card_vendor	= 0x8086,
+		.first_card_device	= 0x1176,
+		.second_vendor		= 0x1106,
+		.second_device		= 0x3059,
+		.second_card_vendor	= 0x10f1,
+		.second_card_device	= 0x2498,
+		.lb_vendor		= NULL,
+		.lb_part		= NULL,
+		.name			= "Tyan Tomcat K7M",
+		.enable			= board_asus_a7v8x_mx,
+	},
+	{
+		.first_vendor		= 0x10B9,
+		.first_device		= 0x1541,
+		.first_card_vendor	= 0x0000,
+		.first_card_device	= 0x0000,
+		.second_vendor		= 0x10B9,
+		.second_device		= 0x1533,
+		.second_card_vendor	= 0x0000,
+		.second_card_device	= 0x0000,
+		.lb_vendor		= "asus",
+		.lb_part		= "p5a",
+		.name			= "ASUS P5A",
+		.enable			= board_asus_p5a,
+	},
+	{
+		.first_vendor		= 0x1166,
+		.first_device		= 0x0205,
+		.first_card_vendor	= 0x1014,
+		.first_card_device	= 0x0347,
+		.second_vendor		= 0x0000,
+		.second_device		= 0x0000,
+		.second_card_vendor	= 0x0000,
+		.second_card_device	= 0x0000,
+		.lb_vendor		= "ibm",
+		.lb_part		= "x3455",
+		.name			= "IBM x3455",
+		.enable			= board_ibm_x3455,
+	},
+	{
+		.first_vendor		= 0x8086,
+		.first_device		= 0x7110,
+		.first_card_vendor	= 0x0000,
+		.first_card_device	= 0x0000,
+		.second_vendor		= 0x8086,
+		.second_device		= 0x7190,
+		.second_card_vendor	= 0x0000,
+		.second_card_device	= 0x0000,
+		.lb_vendor		= "epox",
+		.lb_part		= "ep-bx3",
+		.name			= "EPoX EP-BX3",
+		.enable			= board_epox_ep_bx3,
+	},
+	{
+		.first_vendor		= 0x8086,
+		.first_device		= 0x1130,
+		.first_card_vendor	= 0x0000,
+		.first_card_device	= 0x0000,
+		.second_vendor		= 0x105a,
+		.second_device		= 0x0d30,
+		.second_card_vendor	= 0x105a,
+		.second_card_device	= 0x4d33,
+		.lb_vendor		= "acorp",
+		.lb_part		= "6a815epd",
+		.name			= "Acorp 6A815EPD",
+		.enable			= board_acorp_6a815epd,
+	},
+	{
+		.first_vendor		= 0x1022,
+		.first_device		= 0x2090,
+		.first_card_vendor	= 0x0000,
+		.first_card_device	= 0x0000,
+		.second_vendor		= 0x1022,
+		.second_device		= 0x2080,
+		.second_card_vendor	= 0x0000,
+		.second_card_device	= 0x0000,
+		.lb_vendor		= "artecgroup",
+		.lb_part		= "dbe61",
+		.name			= "Artec Group DBE61",
+		.enable			= board_artecgroup_dbe6x,
+	},
+	{
+		.first_vendor		= 0x1022,
+		.first_device		= 0x2090,
+		.first_card_vendor	= 0x0000,
+		.first_card_device	= 0x0000,
+		.second_vendor		= 0x1022,
+		.second_device		= 0x2080,
+		.second_card_vendor	= 0x0000,
+		.second_card_device	= 0x0000,
+		.lb_vendor		= "artecgroup",
+		.lb_part		= "dbe62",
+		.name			= "Artec Group DBE62",
+		.enable			= board_artecgroup_dbe6x,
+	},
 	/* Note: There are >= 2 version of the Kontron 986LCD-M/mITX! */
-	{0x8086, 0x27b8, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000,
-	 "kontron", "986lcd-m", "Kontron 986LCD-M", board_kontron_986lcd_m},
-	{0x10ec, 0x8168, 0x10ec, 0x8168, 0x104c, 0x8023, 0x104c, 0x8019,
-	 "kontron", "986lcd-m", "Kontron 986LCD-M", board_kontron_986lcd_m},
-	{0x1106, 0x3149, 0x1565, 0x3206, 0x1106, 0x3344, 0x1565, 0x1202,
-	 NULL, NULL, "BioStar P4M80-M4", board_biostar_p4m80_m4},
-	{0x1106, 0x3227, 0x1458, 0x5001, 0x10ec, 0x8139, 0x1458, 0xe000,
-	 NULL, NULL, "GIGABYTE GA-7VT600", board_biostar_p4m80_m4},
-	{0x1106, 0x3149, 0x1462, 0x7094, 0x10ec, 0x8167, 0x1462, 0x094c,
-	 NULL, NULL, "MSI K8T Neo2", w83627thf_gpio4_4_raise_2e},
-	{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL}	/* Keep this */
+	{
+		.first_vendor		= 0x8086,
+		.first_device		= 0x27b8,
+		.first_card_vendor	= 0x0000,
+		.first_card_device	= 0x0000,
+		.second_vendor		= 0x0000,
+		.second_device		= 0x0000,
+		.second_card_vendor	= 0x0000,
+		.second_card_device	= 0x0000,
+		.lb_vendor		= "kontron",
+		.lb_part		= "986lcd-m",
+		.name			= "Kontron 986LCD-M",
+		.enable			= board_kontron_986lcd_m,
+	},
+	{
+		.first_vendor		= 0x10ec,
+		.first_device		= 0x8168,
+		.first_card_vendor	= 0x10ec,
+		.first_card_device	= 0x8168,
+		.second_vendor		= 0x104c,
+		.second_device		= 0x8023,
+		.second_card_vendor	= 0x104c,
+		.second_card_device	= 0x8019,
+		.lb_vendor		= "kontron",
+		.lb_part		= "986lcd-m",
+		.name			= "Kontron 986LCD-M",
+		.enable			= board_kontron_986lcd_m,
+	},
+	{
+		.first_vendor		= 0x1106,
+		.first_device		= 0x3149,
+		.first_card_vendor	= 0x1565,
+		.first_card_device	= 0x3206,
+		.second_vendor		= 0x1106,
+		.second_device		= 0x3344,
+		.second_card_vendor	= 0x1565,
+		.second_card_device	= 0x1202,
+		.lb_vendor		= NULL,
+		.lb_part		= NULL,
+		.name			= "BioStar P4M80-M4",
+		.enable			= board_biostar_p4m80_m4,
+	},
+	{
+		.first_vendor		= 0x1106,
+		.first_device		= 0x3227,
+		.first_card_vendor	= 0x1458,
+		.first_card_device	= 0x5001,
+		.second_vendor		= 0x10ec,
+		.second_device		= 0x8139,
+		.second_card_vendor	= 0x1458,
+		.second_card_device	= 0xe000,
+		.lb_vendor		= NULL,
+		.lb_part		= NULL,
+		.name			= "GIGABYTE GA-7VT600",
+		.enable			= board_biostar_p4m80_m4,
+	},
+	{
+		.first_vendor		= 0x1106,
+		.first_device		= 0x3149,
+		.first_card_vendor	= 0x1462,
+		.first_card_device	= 0x7094,
+		.second_vendor		= 0x10ec,
+		.second_device		= 0x8167,
+		.second_card_vendor	= 0x1462,
+		.second_card_device	= 0x094c,
+		.lb_vendor		= NULL,
+		.lb_part		= NULL,
+		.name			= "MSI K8T Neo2",
+		.enable			= w83627thf_gpio4_4_raise_2e,
+	},
+	{
+		.first_vendor		= 0,
+		.first_device		= 0,
+		.first_card_vendor	= 0,
+		.first_card_device	= 0,
+		.second_vendor		= 0,
+		.second_device		= 0,
+		.second_card_vendor	= 0,
+		.second_card_device	= 0,
+		.lb_vendor		= NULL,
+		.lb_part		= NULL,
+	}	/* Keep this */
 void print_supported_boards(void)