From 6041bcda7ac8c8a7470bba58e8b26cdfd5746679 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ollie Lho <>
Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2002 03:32:00 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Add sst39vf020 support

Corresponding to coreboot v1 svn r606.
 flash.h      |  1 +
 flash_rom.c  |  2 ++
 sst39sf020.c | 29 +++++++++++++++--------------
 3 files changed, 18 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

diff --git a/flash.h b/flash.h
index 286e219..959ef0b 100644
--- a/flash.h
+++ b/flash.h
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ struct flashchip {
 #define SST_29EE020A      0x10	/* SST 29EE020 device code	*/
 #define SST_28SF040       0x04    /* SST 29EE040 device code	*/
 #define SST_39SF020       0xB6    /* SST 39SF020  device        */
+#define SST_39VF020       0xD6    /* SST 39SF020  device        */
 #define WINBOND_ID        0xDA	/* Winbond Manufacture ID code	*/
 #define W_29C020C         0x45	/* Winbond w29c020c device code*/
diff --git a/flash_rom.c b/flash_rom.c
index 8f05c25..fe1bdf7 100644
--- a/flash_rom.c
+++ b/flash_rom.c
@@ -50,6 +50,8 @@ struct flashchip flashchips[] = {
      probe_28sf040, erase_28sf040, write_28sf040},
     {"SST39SF020A", SST_ID,     SST_39SF020,  NULL, 256, 4096,
      probe_39sf020, erase_39sf020, write_39sf020},
+    {"SST39VF020",  SST_ID,     SST_39VF020,  NULL, 256, 4096,
+     probe_39sf020, erase_39sf020, write_39sf020},
     {"W29C020C",    WINBOND_ID, W_29C020C,    NULL, 256, 128,
      probe_jedec,   erase_jedec,   write_jedec},
     {"M29F400BT",   ST_ID, ST_M29F400BT ,    NULL, 512, 64*1024,
diff --git a/sst39sf020.c b/sst39sf020.c
index 49e695f..48a1d59 100644
--- a/sst39sf020.c
+++ b/sst39sf020.c
@@ -81,26 +81,27 @@ static __inline__ write_sector_39sf020(volatile char * bios,
 	volatile char *Temp;
 	for (i = 0; i < page_size; i++) {
-	  if (*dst != 0xff) {
-	    printf("FATAL: dst %p not erased (val 0x%x\n", dst, *dst);
-	    return;
-	  }
+		if (*dst != 0xff) {
+			printf("FATAL: dst %p not erased (val 0x%x\n", dst, *dst);
+			return;
+		}
 		/* transfer data from source to destination */
 		if (*src == 0xFF) {
 			dst++, src++;
 			/* If the data is 0xFF, don't program it */
-            Temp =   (bios + 0x5555); 
-            *Temp = 0xAA;                   
-            Temp =  bios + 0x2AAA; 
-            *Temp = 0x55; 
-            Temp =  bios + 0x5555; 
-            *Temp = 0xA0;                   
+		Temp =   (bios + 0x5555); 
+		*Temp = 0xAA;                   
+		Temp =  bios + 0x2AAA; 
+		*Temp = 0x55; 
+		Temp =  bios + 0x5555; 
+		*Temp = 0xA0;                   
 		*dst = *src;
-            if (*dst != *src) printf("BAD! dst 0x%x val 0x%x src 0x%x\n",
-					dst, *dst, *src);
+		if (*dst != *src)
+			printf("BAD! dst 0x%x val 0x%x src 0x%x\n",
+			       dst, *dst, *src);
 		dst++, src++;
@@ -137,9 +138,9 @@ int probe_39sf020 (struct flashchip * flash)
 int erase_39sf020 (struct flashchip * flash)
 	volatile unsigned char * bios = flash->virt_addr;
-	volatile unsigned char *Temp; 
+	volatile unsigned char *Temp;
         /*  Issue the Sector Erase command to 39SF020   */
-	printf(__FUNCTION__ " bios is %p\n", bios);
         Temp  = bios + 0x5555; /* set up address to be C000:5555h      */
         *Temp = 0xAA;            /* write data 0xAA to the address       */